The assassination of Haniyeh and the responsibility of the UN Security Council
WANA (July 31) – Iran’s letter to the UN Security Council regarding the terrorist act of the Zionist regime in the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.
I write to you with a deep sense of urgency and concern regarding the recent terrorist attack and an act of aggression on the sovereignty and territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran committed by the Israeli regime. In the early hours of 31 July 2024, the Israeli regime carried out a cowardly terrorist attack targeting the residence of H.E. Mr. Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, a recognized Palestinian resistance group.
This attack resulted in the martyrdom of Mr Haniyeh and his bodyguard. The criminal act took place in Tehran, where Mr. Haniyeh was an official guest of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, invited to attend the inauguration of Iran’s new President, H.E. Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian. Such a heinous crime, targeting a high-ranking official guest, is a serious infringement on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran and constitutes a blatant violation of the basic norms and principles of international law, particularly the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter, including Article 2(4), which prohibits the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.
The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns in the strongest possible terms the aggressive action of the Zionist regime in the assassination of Mr. Haniyeh. This terrorist act is in continuation of the assassination of Palestinian resistance leaders in other countries over the past decades and occurred as part of a plan to commit genocide against Palestinians, especially in the past ten months.
Just hours before this heinous crime, this regime carried out cowardly terrorist attacks in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure. The warmongering leaders of this rough regime and its notorious prime minister, for whom the International Criminal Court (ICC) has requested an arrest warrant on charges of war crimes, have crossed all red lines and shown complete disregard for the basic norms and principles of international law upon which the United Nations system is founded. Their crimes reveal a lack of commitment to peace and stability in the region and suggest an intention to escalate conflict and expand the war through the entire region.
People hold posters of Palestinian group Hamas’ top leader, Ismail Haniyeh, during an anti-Israel gathering following the killing of him, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, in Tehran, Iran, July 31, 2024. Majid Asgaripour/WANA (West Asia News Agency)
The responsibility of the United States as the strategic ally and main supporter of the Israeli regime in the region cannot be overlooked in this horrific crime. This act could not have occurred without the authorization and intelligence support of the U.S. The continuation of Israel’s aggressions threatens peace and stability in the region. The international community, particularly the United Nations Security Council, cannot remain indifferent to such heinous crimes and must take decisive action to address these violations and hold the perpetrators accountable.
In light of these grave consequences of Israeli criminal acts on regional peace and security, the Islamic Republic of Iran calls upon the United Nations Security Council to condemn unequivocally and strongly the acts of aggression and terrorist attacks by the Israeli regime on Iran’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as recent acts of aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic, to convene an urgent meeting to address Israeli aggression and terrorist attacks conducted in Iran and the region, to take immediate action to ensure accountability for these violations of international law, including the potential imposition of sanctions and other measures aimed at preventing further aggression, and to demand that Israel immediately cease its aggressive actions and comply fully with its obligations under international law, including respect for the sovereignty of other nations and the protection of civilian lives.
We urge the United Nations Security Council to act promptly and decisively in response to these acts of aggression and malicious activities of the Israel regime in the region, which poses a real threat to international peace and security. The credibility and moral authority of the Security Council depend on its ability to uphold international law and the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
This rouge and terrorist regime and its accomplices bear responsibility. The Islamic Republic of Iran will not hesitate to exercise its inherent right to self-defense, as enshrined in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter to respond decisively and promptly.
The Islamic Republic of Iran reaffirms its commitment to upholding international law and the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. We believe that peace and stability in the region can only be achieved through respect for these principles.
I should be grateful if you would circulate the present letter as a document of the Security Council.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
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