
Frequently Asked Questions

1Why WANA News Agency was founded?

We try to provide new narratives of Iranian events in different fields and through various media.

2Does this agency own an official permission license?

Yes, WANA has been provided with an official permission license by the Foreign Media Department of Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.

3Who is WANA's sponsor?

Our news agency is run privately and is financed by its media services.

4WANA's media policy?

In covering news and events, we try to be impartial. The dominant coverage of international news does not necessarily reflect the entire facts about today’s Iran.

1What services are provided by WANA?

If you please refer to the Services section of our website, we provide various services from obtaining visa and permission licenses for media activities in Iran to cover the news and making documentary films.

2Does WANA team have enough experience in providing services or producing news content?

Thirty years of activity in this field by producing strong News and Documentary content in different formats is the assurance we can give you.

3Is the cost of your services fair?

According to the quality of services and the professional team that will be involved in the projects, YES. Fees are fair.

1How can I receive visa for media activities?

Please refer to our WANA Visa Service section.

2Do we need visa for making documentary films as well?

Yes, for all types of media activities you’ll need visa.

3Do we need a visa for recce?

Yes, as a foreigner, if you want to do recce, you have to obtain a press visa.

1WANA's media policy?

In covering news and events, we try to be impartial. The dominant coverage of international news does not necessarily reflect the entire facts about today’s Iran.

2What is the nationality of WANA journalists?

At present, the nationality of WANA journalists is Iranian. Undoubtedly, we want to expand the activities of our company and use the capacity of journalists with other nationalities.

3How can you help us improve the texts?

None of our colleagues at WANA are native English speakers. Undoubtedly, the texts written by our colleagues are not without errors. We try to convey our meaning to a larger number of readers around the world by using simple and understandable words. You can also help us to improve the texts by sending email through the “Contact Us” section or leave comments at the end of the page.

1How can I contact WANA?

You may refer to the WANA Contact section or communicate via online chat. We are also available on WhatsApp and Telegram.