WANA (June 28) – Hamid Nouri, an Iranian political prisoner who was recently released from a Swedish prison after five years and has returned to Iran, participated in the Iranian presidential elections.


He spoke about his last experience of participating in an election while in a Swedish prison, saying:


“The last time I voted was in the previous presidential election when I cast my vote for Martyr Raisi while in solitary confinement in a Swedish prison.”


“I didn’t think I would be freed, but today, by the grace of God and the efforts of the officials, I am free and in Tehran. This has demonstrated Iran’s strength and greatness to the world.”


“I urge all dear Iranians to participate in this important election. I also ask the future president to continue the path of the oppressed martyr Ayatollah Raisi.”



Hamid Nouri, a former Iranian judiciary official, was arrested in Sweden in 2019 and accused of involvement in the 1988 executions of political prisoners in Iran. His arrest and subsequent trial have been heavily criticized by Iranian officials as politically motivated and unjust. After nearly four years in solitary confinement, Nouri was sentenced to life imprisonment by a Swedish court. His release and return to Iran on June 15, 2024, were facilitated through diplomatic efforts and a prisoner exchange mediated by Oman.