WANA (July 22)Mohammad Javad Zarif, Chairman of the Strategic Council of the Fourteenth Government, said in a speech at the conference analyzing the discourse of the Fourteenth Government: “There are three stages in international relations, which is my area of expertise, starting from a ceasefire and culminating in strong and institutionalized friendship; these three stages represent the transition from hostility to peace.”


Stating that peace means readiness for forgiveness, but the prelude to forgiveness is an apology, he said: “I sincerely apologize to the people of Iran for the hardships they endure.”


The Strategic Council of the Fourteenth Government Chairman emphasized: “Our neighbors are our most important opportunities. We indeed have differences in the world, but the world can be an opportunity for us.”


Zarif continued: “We can use the world’s resources, we need foreign investments to enter our country, and we need our youth to have the best technology.”


Emphasizing that those afraid of negotiation do not believe in themselves, he said: “We must break down the barriers, provided that we believe in ourselves.”


The Chairman of the Strategic Council of the Fourteenth Government said: “Mr. Pezeshkian’s government will be a government of peace, development, and cooperation.”


Zarif added: “Mr. Pezeshkian’s discourse focuses on opportunities; people are the most important opportunity.”