WANA  (July 31) – Mohsen Hormozi, the deputy of transportation and traffic for the mayor of Tehran, mentioned that during last year’s meeting of the Supreme Traffic Council of the country, a new route for rail transportation in Tehran was approved. According to the plan, trams will replace BRT buses on this route.


Demands for this matter started last year, and we made an agreement with the Ministry of Defense to use its capacity to launch trams. In addition to this, agreements were also made with one of the tram manufacturers in the world, who has the authority in China, he stated.


The Deputy of Transportation and Traffic for the Mayor of Tehran has announced that according to agreements, a rubber-wheeled tram-train, known as ART, is expected to be tested in the country by the end of September. Another tram will also arrive in October for testing. If the tests are successful, the mass production contract will begin.


He mentioned that the tram runs on rubber wheels, eliminating the need for overhead electricity. Chinese experts working on the design have arrived and are collaborating with the Tehran Metro Company.