WANA (August 15) – Ali Bagheri Kani, the Acting Foreign Minister of Iran, shared a message on social media on Thursday to mark India’s Independence Day from Britain (August 15).


In his message, he wrote: “Congratulations and best wishes to Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, as well as to the government and people of India on their Independence Day.”


He added, “I am confident that the growing relationship between Iran and India will play an important role in the peace, stability, and development of our shared region.”


August 15 (coinciding with August 25 on the Iranian calendar) marks India’s Independence Day and the country’s liberation from British colonial rule, leading to the formation of an independent nation in 1947 in the Indian subcontinent. After emerging from colonial times, India now has a democratic system.


This day is a national holiday in India, where the country’s citizens and leaders celebrate the independence of the 1.3 billion-strong nation with various ceremonies.


On this day, in addition to the central government, state governments also hoist the national flag at designated locations during special ceremonies, and both state and private television networks broadcast these events live.


In June 1947, national leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Abul Kalam Azad, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, B.R. Ambedkar, and Master Tara Singh agreed to divide the Indian subcontinent based on the religious demographics of the population.


According to this plan, a new nation, India, was to be formed in Hindu-majority areas, while Pakistan was to be established in Muslim-majority regions.