WANA (Aug 19) – In a message shared on his social media account, Nasser Kanaani, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, strongly criticized the international community and Islamic countries for their inaction regarding the ongoing crisis in Gaza.


Kanaani expressed his outrage at the “stunning inaction” of international bodies and organizations responsible for addressing such crises, as well as the “lack of effective action” by Islamic and Arab countries.


He highlighted the alarming death toll in Gaza, stating that the number of Palestinians has exceeded 40,000, with around 15,000 of them being children. Kanaani also mentioned that the bodies of approximately 10,000 Palestinians remain buried under the rubble.


Kanaani questioned whether these horrific statistics need to continue to rise to awaken the “sleeping consciences” of global leaders and officials in international organizations. He condemned what he described as the unrelenting support of the United States and its Western allies for the “apartheid Israeli regime,” which, according to him, allows the regime to openly commit genocide against a “historic and deep-rooted nation.”


He concluded by stressing that all governments, nations, and international organizations bear responsibility for the ongoing catastrophe in Gaza. Kanaani warned that failure to act would result in eternal condemnation and disgrace in the “court of history and the awakened human conscience.”