WANA (Aug 26) – Nasser Kanaani, spokesperson for Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, reacted to Hezbollah’s recent attack on Israeli strategic targets during the Arbaeen observance. Kanaani stated that despite Israel’s efforts, the regime cannot alter the realities of this operation.


Kanaani added that the strategic balance has shifted against Israel, and the myth of the Israeli army’s invincibility is no longer valid. According to him, the Israeli army has lost its deterrent power and must now defend itself against resistance strikes.


During this attack, Hezbollah launched 320 Katyusha rockets, targeting military bases such as the Miron military base, the Nafah Ziv missile launch platform, Jaatun, al-Zawarah, al-Sahl base, the Kila military headquarters in Syria’s Golan Heights, the UAF military headquarters in the Golan Heights, the Nafah base in the Golan Heights, the Yarden base in the Golan Heights, the Ein Zeitim base, and the Ramot Naftali barracks.


Kanaani remarked that Israel, once focused on territorial expansion, now must defend itself within the occupied territories. He emphasized that Israel has lost its ability to predict and deter even limited resistance operations and that time is not on Israel’s side.


Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah attributed the recent operation against Israel to preparations made since the martyrdom of Sayyed Mohsen (Fouad Shukr). He added that the objective of this operation was to halt the aggression against Gaza.


The Palestinian movements Hamas and Islamic Jihad congratulated Hezbollah on the operation, viewing it as a decisive response to Israeli crimes. Yemen’s Ansarullah also praised Hezbollah and announced that Yemen’s response to Israeli aggressions would follow soon.