WANA (Aug 27) – In the first five months of the current year, Iran’s non-oil trade with its 15 neighbouring countries reached $26.857 billion, marking a 16% increase compared to last year. The weight of Iran’s non-oil trade with these countries totalled 43.579 million tons, reflecting a 10% increase year-on-year.


The top five trading partners among Iran’s neighbouring countries during this period were the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, and Russia. Specifically, Iran’s non-oil trade with the UAE amounted to $11 billion, Turkey $6 billion, Iraq $4.8 billion, Pakistan $1.1 billion, and Russia $969 million.


Out of the total non-oil trade with the 15 neighbouring countries, Iran exported 34.118 million tons of goods worth $13.402 billion and imported 9.461 million tons worth $13.455 billion. Non-oil exports to these countries increased in weight by 11% and in value by 19%. Imports, on the other hand, increased in weight by 10% and in value by 13%.


The primary buyers of Iranian goods among these neighbors were Iraq, the UAE, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Conversely, the largest sources of imports for Iran during this period were the UAE, Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, and Oman.