WANA (Sep 01) – Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh, the Minister of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics of Iran, in a phone conversation with General Ali Mahmoud Abbas, the Minister of Defense of the Syrian Arab Republic, emphasized the Islamic Republic of Iran’s support for the establishment of security and respect for Syria’s territorial integrity.


The Iranian Defense Minister, referring to the shared interests of the two countries, particularly Syria’s support for the axis of resistance, added that agreements between the two countries, including the outcomes of your visit to Tehran, must be implemented, and in this regard, cooperation will expand at a faster pace.


Amir Nasirzadeh also pointed to the situation in Gaza and the war crimes committed by the Zionists, stating, “Unfortunately, we do not see an appropriate response from international organizations regarding the crimes of the Zionist regime. Therefore, the cooperation between the two countries must continue, and undoubtedly, this cooperation will lead to the defeat of the Zionist regime, as it is God’s promise that the Party of God will triumph over the Party of Satan, which is represented by the Zionist regime.”


General Ali Mahmoud Abbas, the Syrian Defense Minister, continued this conversation by saying, “We seek to maintain our relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and God willing, we will make greater efforts towards the goals of the two nations and the armed forces of both countries.”


The Syrian Defense Minister, referring to the commitment of the Islamic Republic of Iran and all members of the axis of resistance towards Syria and its security, stated, “We stand with you and share the same front, as the security of our two countries is intertwined. The brothers of the axis of resistance are like passengers on the same boat, fighting against the occupying regime, which has committed numerous crimes against humanity in Gaza, Syria, and Yemen under the inaction of international organizations and their overlooking of the crimes of the Zionist regime. Undoubtedly, joint cooperation will make us stronger against this tyrannical axis.”


General Ali Mahmoud Abbas emphasized greater cooperation between the two countries and said, “I hope we can expand these collaborations and agreements. In my opinion, we have no other path or option, and we must continue down this path to confront the forces of evil.”