WANA (Sep 03) – Following the recent sanctions imposed by the UK on three individuals and one Iranian entity, the British Embassy’s chargé d’affaires in Tehran was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today, September 3.


During the summons, the condemnation of this action, which contradicts the new UK government’s claimed policy of seeking engagement and cooperation, was conveyed.


It was also emphasized that everyone knows the greatest source of insecurity in the region is the Israeli regime, which is backed by the comprehensive political and military support of certain so-called stabilizers in the region, including the UK.


The Head of the Third Western Europe Division reminded that the support of these countries for the genocide of Palestinians by the Israeli regime and their efforts to ensure impunity for Netanyahu, a war criminal, is the foundation of instability and insecurity in the region.


The British chargé d’affaires stated that he would relay the message to his capital.