WANA (Sep 09) – The Commander-in-Chief of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said that the Israelis will taste the bitter consequences of their evil actions. When, where, and how? The response will definitely be different, and this puzzle will be solved for everyone in due time.


Major General Hossein Salami stated that the usurping Zionist regime is surrounded by Muslims in the occupied territory, and the nightmare of Iran’s inevitable response shakes them day and night.


He added, “They cannot continue their political life. We are witnessing the clear signs of the end of their political existence. Their leaders have lost mental balance, they are confused, and protests are being held in their occupied capital against their government. The war has entered their own land, and there is no escape. They are waiting anxiously every moment.”


The Israelis will taste the bitter consequences of their evil actions

Salami emphasized that “The Israelis will taste the bitter consequences of their evil actions. When, where, and how? It will definitely be different, and this puzzle will be solved for everyone in due time.”


The Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC also noted that Israel and its allies should not think they can strike and escape. Instead, they should know that they will be struck and will not be able to escape. They will learn great lessons and take heed not to play with fire again, for this nation is standing firm.


Salami, referring to the great standing of the Iranian people and their reliance on God, said, “We are certain, by God’s grace, that we will bring this story to an end.”


Sanctions were broken through resistance

Salami stated that the youth of this land stood firm and did not allow the country to bear the image of a sanctioned nation or an isolated economy. They overcame the enemy’s will and fulfilled the nation’s needs from within. They severed the ties of dependence on foreigners and gave momentum to the country’s economy.


The IRGC commander affirmed that “Sanctions were broken through resistance, and through steadfastness, they became ineffective or less impactful.”


Iran is a herald of unity in the Islamic world

Salami added, “We became advocates for unity in the Islamic world, and we defended oppressed Muslims and will continue to do so. This is the logic of the Quran. The enemy was punished and fled from the lands of Islam. Our youth united across Islamic lands and defended the dignity of Muslims and the sanctuaries of the Imams, driving the enemies away.”


He pointed out that today this battle is focused on Palestine, but our enemies are depressed, isolated, and despised in the world. The Americans, who provide weapons to Israel to bury Palestinian families under buildings, are themselves gradually being buried. The identity of Palestine is alive in American universities and European cities, and it remains alive in the hearts of Muslims.