WANA (Sep 09) – In a meeting with the Iranian Ambassador to Yerevan, Armenia’s Secretary of the National Security Council, Armen Grigoryan, emphasized that “the Armenia-Iran border is a border of peace and friendship, and no force can sever it.”


During the meeting, Mehdi Sobahani, Iran’s Ambassador to Armenia, reiterated the Islamic Republic of Iran’s firm stance on the inviolability of international borders and its opposition to any geopolitical changes. He also underscored Iran’s commitment to supporting the territorial integrity of its neighbours.


He emphasized that any routes reopening within Armenia will remain under the control of Armenia’s national institutions and sovereignty. Grigoryan made it clear that Armenia opposes any form of reopening under the logic of establishing a corridor.


Grigoryan expressed his gratitude for Iran’s support of Armenia’s territorial integrity and its stance on preserving international borders.


He stressed that the Armenia-Iran border represents peace, friendship, and peaceful coexistence, highlighting the importance Armenia places on its relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran. “No force can break the territorial connection between Iran and Armenia,” Grigoryan added.