WANA (Sep 11) – During a high-level security meeting of BRICS member states, Russian Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu reaffirmed Russia’s commitment to the previous agreements with Iran regarding Zangezur.


In his meeting with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Akbar Ahmadian, Shoigu emphasized Moscow’s unwavering stance on the territorial issues related to Zangezur.


“Russia remains committed to its prior agreements with Tehran regarding Zangezur, and our policy on this matter has not changed,” Shoigu stated.


Shoigu added that Russia supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the three Persian Gulf islands.


Ahmadian, in turn, highlighted Iran’s readiness to enhance cooperation with Russia across various sectors, particularly in economic areas.


In the same meeting, Ahmadian expressed Iran’s support for any peace plan agreed upon by Russia and Ukraine, including initiatives from China and Brazil. He proposed that BRICS members form a group to oversee the implementation of the proposed peace plan.


This collaborative stance underscores both nations’ dedication to maintaining regional stability and pursuing diplomatic solutions in conflict situations.