WANA (Sep 11) – The UK Foreign Office announced today that Ali Matinfar, the chargé d’affaires of the Iranian embassy in London, was summoned over allegations that Iran had supplied ballistic missiles to Russia for use in the Ukraine war.


The UK reiterated these accusations, warning that any transfer of missiles to Russia would be met with a significant response.


This move comes after the UK, Germany, France, and the US imposed new sanctions on Iran, accusing it of involvement in the Ukraine conflict. These sanctions target seven Iranian individuals and entities, including suspending a bilateral air services agreement with Iran.


In a joint statement, the three European nations called on Iran to immediately cease its military cooperation with Russia and halt the development and transfer of ballistic missiles. Both Iran and Russia have repeatedly denied these claims.


Iranian officials have consistently rejected the allegations of missile transfers to Russia, emphasizing that the Islamic Republic opposes the war and supports a political resolution to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. They have stated that Iran has never been part of this military confrontation and continues to advocate for a diplomatic solution.