WANA (Sep 15) – Upon arriving in Vienna to attend the annual meeting of the IAEA General Conference, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran stated that meetings and discussions with the Director General of the IAEA and a number of nuclear officials are key objectives of this trip.


Mohammad Eslami, Vice President and head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, who has traveled to Vienna to participate in the 68th annual meeting of the IAEA General Conference, referred to his plans during this session and said: “Tomorrow (Monday, September 16), I will deliver a speech at the General Conference, where I will highlight the capabilities and peaceful goals of Iran’s nuclear industry, and express the position of the Islamic Republic.”


He added: “During this trip, we will have multiple meetings, including discussions with the Director General of the IAEA and several high-ranking nuclear officials from various countries, focusing on nuclear issues and bilateral cooperation, which are key objectives of this trip.”


The head of the Atomic Energy Organization emphasized: “The establishment of a nuclear industry pavilion at the side event exhibition of the conference and holding a session to mark the 50th anniversary of the organization, to share the most important scientific and technological experiences and achievements of our country at this event, is an important step.”


In conclusion, he noted: “With the determination and efforts of our dear colleagues, the valuable and peaceful achievements and goals of Iran’s nuclear industry will be showcased to the world.”



To mark the 50th anniversary of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, during the side event of the 68th annual IAEA General Conference, experts from Iran’s nuclear industry will present and share experiences and achievements in nuclear power plant construction, research reactors, fuel cycle, radiation application technology, stable isotopes, and training specialized human resources.


Moreover, at the exhibition side event, Iran’s nuclear industry capabilities will be showcased, including robotic exploration, robotic applications in the nuclear industry, clean and sustainable energy production, radiopharmaceutical and industrial products, nuclear measurement systems, and Iran’s advancements in plasma technology for industry, environment, health care, food security, and nuclear waste management, presented by Iranian specialists and experts.