WANA (Sep 17) – In response to the claims made by the U.S. and certain countries like Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, and Australia on the anniversary of Iran’s protest, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman wrote on platform X: “The word ‘shame’ is so neglected and forgotten among the officials of some countries.”


Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, wrote on his personal social media page: “For some, it’s better to stay silent, because it would be less embarrassing for them as people would laugh at them less.”


He added: “The professional violators of human rights, those who impose bloody wars on other nations and countries, occupiers of other people’s lands, perpetrators of killing, looting, and displacement of nations across the world, violators of the rights of indigenous peoples and people of color, and their murderers, operators of medieval and nameless prisons, donors of chemical bombs and weapons to Saddam’s regime, suppressors of political and civil protesters, supporters and hosts of terrorist and criminal groups like the MEK and ISIS, supporters of the child-killing Zionist regime, and providers of banned bombs to this regime for mass killing of Palestinians — it is better for them to first look at the long history of their crimes and the black list of their government’s murders before picking up the pen or speaking out against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and only then talk about human rights and defending the rights of the Iranian people.”


The word “shame” is so neglected and forgotten among the officials of some countries.