WANA (Sep 18) – The President of Iran, referring to yesterday’s events in Lebanon, called such incidents a disgrace to Western countries, particularly the Americans, who leave no stone unturned in advancing their inhumane goals.


In response to the terrorist attack in Lebanon, Masoud Pezeshkian said: “The fact that tools originally designed to improve human comfort and welfare are being used as instruments of terror and destruction against those whose views differ from ours is a testament to the collapse of humanity and the dominance of savagery and criminality.”


The President added: “This event once again revealed that although Western countries and the Americans claim to seek a ceasefire on the surface, in practice, they fully support the crimes, massacres, and blind terror of the Zionist regime. The solution to ending this situation and breaking the chain of oppression and crimes of the Zionist regime and its supporters against the oppressed Palestinians and the Islamic world is the unity and solidarity of Muslims and Islamic countries.”