WANA (Sep 23) – Following the devastating coal mine explosion in the Madanjoo mine of Tabas, Iran’s South Khorasan Province, leaders and officials from various countries have extended their condolences to the Iranian government and people.


Tamim Khalaf, spokesperson for Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, expressed heartfelt condolences to the Iranian government and the families of the victims, wishing a swift recovery for the injured.


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan also conveyed his sorrow regarding the explosion, offering his deepest sympathies to the families of the deceased and hoping for the quick recovery of those injured.


Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement mourning the tragedy and expressing solidarity with the Iranian government and people.


Additionally, leaders from Pakistan, Brazil, Turkey, Japan, and Azerbaijan sent separate messages of condolence, expressing their sympathy for the Iranian nation in light of this incident.


The spokesperson for the European Union also emphasized solidarity with the victims and their families, offering condolences for this heartbreaking event.


According to the latest reported statistics, the death toll from the Madanjoo incident has reached 38, while 14 people remain trapped.


The presence of methane gas has made the rescue operation difficult, and the rescue team must simultaneously vent the gas while continuing their search and rescue efforts.