WANA (Sep 23) – On Monday, Zhai Jun, China’s special envoy for Middle East affairs, arrived in Tehran and met with Ali Asghar Khaji, Senior Advisor to Iran’s Foreign Minister, to discuss regional developments, including Israeli crimes against the people of Gaza and the latest updates on Syria and Yemen.


During the talks, Khaji criticized the unwavering support of the U.S. and some Western countries for Israel, attributing the ongoing attacks on Gaza and the killing of civilians to this backing.


He called for urgent international action to halt what he described as genocide, while also pointing to Israel’s expanding aggression towards Syria and Lebanon under the silence of international bodies.


Regarding Syria, Khaji highlighted the dire economic and humanitarian conditions and urged the international community, especially China, to play a more active role in reconstruction and humanitarian assistance.


On Yemen, he warned of the negative impact of illegal U.S. and British attacks on peace efforts and reiterated Iran’s support for Yemeni-Yemeni negotiations and political solutions to end the crisis.


In response, Zhai Jun emphasized the immediate cessation of Israeli attacks on Gaza and Lebanon and the establishment of a ceasefire as a regional priority.


He reaffirmed the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and expressed China’s readiness to actively contribute to resolving the humanitarian and political crises in Syria, as well as supporting the peace process in Yemen through dialogue and confidence-building among the internal groups.