WANA (Sep 26) – Iran’s Foreign Minister, Seyyed Abbas Araqchi, stated that “Hezbollah is fully capable of defending itself, Lebanon, and its people on its own.”


Speaking in New York, Araqchi responded to journalists’ questions. While at the press area near the United Nations Security Council, he was asked, “Has Hezbollah requested that you use military force to assist them, and Iran’s response was, ‘Not now, because of the negotiations.’ Were you referring to nuclear negotiations? Is Iran asking Hezbollah to reduce its attacks on Israel?” Araqchi replied, “Hezbollah makes its own decisions and is fully capable of defending itself, Lebanon, and the people of Lebanon on its own.”


When asked about accusations by some governments and analysts that Iran is fueling the conflict by providing advanced weaponry to Hezbollah, Araqchi responded, “We have always stated that we support Hezbollah in its legitimate struggle to defend Lebanon and its people against the crimes and occupation of the Israeli regime.”


Araqchi was also asked, “You have called for respect for international law, yet Hezbollah possesses a large arsenal of weapons. Isn’t this a violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, particularly Resolution 1701? Do you ask Hezbollah to adhere to international resolutions and laws?” He responded, “Hezbollah has not violated Resolution 1701. This resolution prohibits military presence, which has not been observed by the Israeli regime.”