WANA (Oct 21) – Esmaeil Baghaei, the new spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, addressed the latest developments in foreign policy during his first weekly meeting with journalists today and stated that: “The European Union’s policy is to harm the people of Iran. The sanctions on civilian aviation are unjustifiable.”


The spokesperson highlighted the four rounds of regional visits by Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araghchi aimed at discussing the latest developments in the region and efforts to halt the crimes of Israel.


Araghchi’s trip began in the heart of the conflict zone, with visits to Beirut and Damascus, before extending to other countries. These consultations are set to continue, Baghaei mentioned.


He continued “In addition to his travels, the Foreign Minister engaged in discussions with various officials, including the UN Secretary-General and the foreign ministers of Egypt and France.”


Baghaei emphasized that enhancing relations with neighbouring countries remains a top priority for Iran’s foreign policy, especially during these challenging times for the region.


When asked about bilateral discussions during Araghchi’s visit to Egypt, Baghaei noted that the focus was primarily on regional developments, preventing escalation of tensions, and maintaining stability.


He acknowledged that such opportunities naturally lead to dialogues on bilateral relations.


Baghaei also announced that the Foreign Minister would be visiting Kuwait and Bahrain as part of his ongoing regional diplomacy.


Iran Welcomes Initiatives to Prevent Escalation of Tensions

The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry commented on Russia’s proposal for mediation between Iran and the Israeli regime, stating that the concept of mediation lacks legal significance. “We welcome efforts aimed at stopping the war and the crimes of the Israeli regime, as long as they are made in good faith,” he said.


Baghaei continued, “We are open to any initiative and effort to prevent escalation and halt the crimes of the Israeli regime, considering it a legal obligation.”


Corridors in the South Caucasus

The spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry addressed issues related to corridors in the South Caucasus, stating that the countries in the region have decided to transform a challenge that has been a basis for conflict or war into a point for understanding and economic prosperity among the nations.


He said: “The 3+3 summit in Istanbul clearly demonstrated this approach. The final statement of this summit also indicated that the countries are focused on the necessity of transforming the South Caucasus into an area of cooperation.”


Baghaei emphasized: “Regarding the passages and transportation routes, Iran’s position is clear and consistent. We believe these routes must be established with respect for territorial integrity, the national sovereignty, and without changes to the borders and geopolitical conditions of the region.”


Iran Rejects Claims Over Three Islands, Calls for Focus on Regional Stability

In response to claims against Iran’s sovereignty over the three islands, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson expressed regret that regional attention is being diverted from addressing the crimes of the Israeli regime.


He stated, “We have taken the necessary diplomatic actions. Before and after every meeting with our friends who address this matter, we discuss our position. Iran has no doubt about its territorial integrity and sovereignty over the three islands.”


Baghaei emphasized that this stance is based on all international standards regarding respect for the sovereignty of nations. He also expressed disappointment that European countries have chosen to engage with such issues, reaffirming that Iran has articulated its position clearly and that protest notes have been formally submitted.


Hamas is Alive and Respected

In response to a question regarding the Iranian Foreign Minister’s visit to Turkey and his meetings with members of Hamas, the spokesperson highlighted the strong relationship between Iran and Turkey.


He noted that participating in the 3+3 summit in Istanbul provided an opportunity for discussions with Turkish officials, including the Foreign Minister and President, about regional developments.


He emphasized, “Hamas is alive and respected,” and stated that both Iran and Turkey stress the importance of supporting Palestine and utilizing all diplomatic channels, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.


In further remarks, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson asserted, “It seems that the Israeli regime has no qualms about expanding the war. This has been a proven fact: this regime is the only entity in the region and the world pursuing the escalation of war and insecurity.”


Baghaei: We Have Sent a Note of Protest to the Agency

Baghaei commented on the legal pursuit of the threats made by Israel regarding an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, stating: “The threat to attack nuclear facilities is condemned and rejected according to international documents and resolutions, and the Security Council has been tasked with addressing these matters.”


He added: “Our demands are clear. We have formally communicated our concerns to the International Atomic Energy Agency through a substantiated note of protest, and we are pursuing this issue at the level of the United Nations and the Security Council.”


EU’s Policy is to Harm the People of Iran

The spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry commented on the new sanctions imposed by the European Union against Iran, stating: “There is no doubt that the EU’s policy is to harm the people of Iran. The sanctions on civilian aviation and a well-established airline that has been operating flights to European capitals for years have no justification other than to deprive people of their fundamental rights to easy and smooth travel to their destinations.”


Baghaei also addressed the implications of the war spreading to the Persian Gulf region, stating: “The escalation of the conflict into this region does not require justification. This approach has been characteristic of the Zionist regime since its inception. This regime has a history of aggression against nearly all neighboring countries. Recently, they have shown that, due to Western support, they have no qualms about expanding the scope of war. The assertion that the only entity in the world striving to escalate the conflict is the Zionist regime is true.”


Iran Issues Clear Warning Against Israeli Aggression

In response to potential new acts of aggression by the Israeli regime, the spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry stated, “Our message is clear, transparent, and public. Our officials have announced that any mischief from the Israeli regime will be met with a decisive, firm, and effective response from Iran. The decision on how we respond rests solely with Iran.”


Regarding the deployment of the THAAD missile defense system in occupied territories, he noted, “The installation of missile defense systems in the occupied territories is part of the ongoing support from the West for the Israeli regime over the past year and the last eight decades. This support has emboldened the Israeli regime to continue its aggressions and crimes in the region.”


The spokesperson also mentioned that the Iranian Foreign Minister had clearly stated that the timing and manner in which the Israeli regime might act against Iran is known. “The responsibilities of countries that participate in or support any aggression are entirely clear,” he added.


He emphasized, “We are pleased that we and the countries in the region have reached a level of maturity where we share a common view: safeguarding peace and security in the region is the responsibility of us all, and the consequences of any insecurity will affect all countries. We are confident that regional nations, understanding the sensitivities of the area, will not allow their territory to be used for attacks on any Islamic nation.”


Iran Affirms Non-Interference in Lebanese Affairs

Regarding recent statements by the Speaker of Parliament about Iran’s readiness to negotiate with France on the components of UN Resolution 1701 and the reaction of the Lebanese Prime Minister, the spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry stated, “We engage in dialogue with any country that presents initiatives or proposals to halt crimes and aggressions against Lebanon and to stop the genocide in Gaza.”


Baghaei clarified that the mentioned comments were likely the result of a misunderstanding, emphasizing that Iran’s stance on Lebanon and resistance is clear.


“Iran has never had any intention or action that could be construed as interference in the internal affairs of Lebanon or any other country. We have made it clear that the choice of the presidency is the prerogative of the Lebanese people and the active political groups in Lebanon, with resistance and Hezbollah being among the influential groups in this process. The best approach is Lebanese-Lebanese dialogue to reach a consensus on the political situation in Lebanon.”


European Union is Not Prepared to Respond Positively to Iran’s Approach

The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry responded to inquiries about the fourteenth government’s roadmap for engagement with Europe, noting that recent tensions suggest a lack of readiness among European nations to positively engage with Iran.


He referenced a recent resolution from a joint meeting of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and the European Union, which included claims against Iran’s three islands, highlighting it as evidence of Europe’s unpreparedness. He expressed hope that Europe might reconsider its current stance.


In relation to discussions held during Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi’s recent trip to New York, the spokesperson emphasized Iran’s readiness for dialogue on nuclear issues and other matters. He reiterated that Iran has always been proactive in seeking negotiations without preconditions and maintained that engagement should be based on mutual respect and the preservation of national interests.


No Place for Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iran’s Defense Doctrine

Responding to media speculations about changes in Iran’s nuclear doctrine, the spokesperson clarified that diverse opinions exist within the country, but the official policy remains consistent.


He asserted that weapons of mass destruction have no place in Iran’s defense strategy, a position backed by a fatwa from the Supreme Leader. He emphasized that these media discussions do not influence Iran’s stance on such weapons.


Iran’s Stance on U.S. Elections: No Interference in Domestic Affairs

Baghaei commented on Iran’s position regarding the U.S. elections, stating: “We take into account the actions and behavior of U.S. governments. Unlike the U.S. and other countries, we do not interfere in the internal affairs of other nations. This is a matter concerning the Americans. For now, we will not make any judgments about anything, including the elected individual.”


He emphasized that U.S. policies against Iran have been hostile, characterized by a history filled with antagonistic and aggressive behavior towards Iran, which will always be taken into account under any circumstances.


Switzerland as Iran’s Diplomatic Channel with the U.S.

Regarding diplomatic channels between Iran and the United States, the spokesperson explained that the previous Muscat process focused primarily on nuclear issues has been halted due to the region’s specific circumstances.


He noted that Iran has established clear channels for messaging with the U.S., with Switzerland acting as the protecting power in Tehran. This channel serves as the primary means for exchanging messages concerning regional developments.


Iran Relies on Military Strength for Self-Defense

In response to a query about the potential discussions during Iran’s President’s upcoming trip to Moscow regarding military cooperation between Iran and Russia, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Baghaei emphasized that the Islamic Republic relies on its exceptionally capable armed forces for self-defense, a fact that has been clearly demonstrated.


Baghaei clarified that the President’s trip is part of the BRICS summit, with the Foreign Minister accompanying him. He stated that they aim to draw international attention to the dangers posed by the crimes of the Israeli regime during the summit’s discussions.


Iran Prepared to Respond to Israeli Aggression

Continuing his dialogue with reporters, Baghaei addressed concerns regarding leaked information about a possible Israeli attack on Iran, stating that Iran utilizes all available intelligence and its military capabilities to counter threats from the Israeli regime.


He affirmed that despite any discussions about leaked information, Iran is well-prepared to address potential threats and has established clear decision-making processes regarding its response if necessary. Baghaei reiterated that their focus remains on defending national interests and ensuring a decisive response to any Israeli hostility.


No Final Decision Made on Signing Iran-Russia Agreement Timing

Baghaei discussed the signing of the comprehensive agreement between Iran and Russia, stating: “This is an important treaty. It was previously mentioned that it would be signed at the BRICS summit in Kazan, but the significance of this matter is so great that it needs to be conducted during a bilateral meeting. A final decision has not yet been made regarding the timing, and we are currently consulting with Russia to determine the schedule for a meeting between the two presidents.”


Regional Nations Unite Against Violence

In response to inquiries about the effectiveness of the Foreign Minister’s regional travels, Baghaei noted that ongoing diplomatic efforts are fostering a collective determination to halt the Israeli war machine and reduce tensions in the region.


He mentioned that these countries are also engaging with their counterparts outside the region to mobilize a collective effort aimed at preventing further violence and alleviating the suffering of people in Gaza and Lebanon.


Iran Responds to MBC Report on Resistance Leaders

The spokesperson for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Foreign Ministry addressed a recent report published by MBC regarding resistance leaders and Iran’s reaction to it, stating: “We consider this report unacceptable; this manner is not acceptable.”


He emphasized that such insults are intolerable and added: “We have reminded the relevant countries through diplomatic channels. We are pleased that appropriate action has been taken, and we hope this does not happen again.”


Iran’s Policy on Afghanistan: Stability is Key

In response to a question about Iran’s relations with Afghanistan, Baghai stated: “The policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding Afghanistan is clear. We are discussing the country’s foreign policy, which does not change with the alteration of individuals.”


He elaborated: “Our efforts have focused on continuing interactions at technical and operational levels to stabilize security and stability in Afghanistan. If stability and security prevail in Afghanistan, many other issues, including terrorism and the topic of Afghan migration or refugees, will also be resolved. We hope to take more serious steps in this direction.”