WANA (Mar 05) – Mohsen Naziri Asl, Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna criticized Western parties in the JCPOA for failing to meet their commitments. He warned that pressure tactics for Iran’s unilateral compliance will backfire and stated that Iran will only reverse its remedial actions when sanctions are effectively and verifiably lifted.


Diplomatic Address at IAEA Board of Governors

Speaking at the IAEA Board of Governors meeting on “Verification and Monitoring in Iran in Light of UNSC Resolution 2231 (2015),” Mohsen Naziri Asl underscored the ongoing tensions in international relations, warning that the fundamental principles of the United Nations have been weakened by unilateral actions. He noted that longstanding non-proliferation standards are now being undermined by the policies and inaction of nuclear-armed states.


Naziri highlighted that in the 21st century, the IAEA is expected to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy without discrimination, as per its Statute. He called for equal access to nuclear technology for all member states based on their needs, stressing that the rights and obligations of NPT signatories must not be separated.


Iran’s Firm Opposition to Nuclear Weapons

The Iranian envoy reaffirmed that Iran has consistently adhered to a policy of prohibiting the acquisition, production, stockpiling, or use of nuclear weapons. He emphasized that Iran, based on its ideological and strategic principles, rejects weapons of mass destruction (WMD), particularly nuclear arms, as obsolete, inhumane, and detrimental to global security. He referenced the Supreme Leader’s fatwa declaring nuclear weapons “haram” (forbidden), which has been the cornerstone of Iran’s non-proliferation policy.


JCPOA Violations and U.S. Sanctions

Naziri reiterated that Iran engaged with the E3/EU+3 to reach the JCPOA after years of negotiations. The deal was based on mutual commitments—ensuring the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program while lifting all nuclear-related sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council, the U.S., and the EU. However, he criticized the U.S. for deliberately obstructing the normalization of Iran’s economic and trade relations, even before its official withdrawal from the deal.


“The U.S. withdrawal was a blatant violation of UNSC Resolution 2231,” he said, adding that Iran refrained from activating the JCPOA dispute resolution mechanism for over a year, giving diplomacy a chance. However, European parties failed to uphold their commitments, leading Iran to invoke its rights under Articles 26 and 36 of the deal to suspend parts of its obligations.


European Sanctions and Resolution 2231 Violations

The Iranian envoy accused the E3 and the EU of systematically distorting the narrative on JCPOA violations, pointing out that their failure to comply with Resolution 2231 and their new rounds of sanctions against Iran further breach the agreement. He cited the recent EU decision to blacklist IranAir and the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRSL) as clear violations of Article 26 of the JCPOA, which prohibits the re-imposition of lifted sanctions.


Naziri warned that the E3 and the EU have no legal or moral standing to invoke the JCPOA’s dispute resolution mechanism against Iran when they themselves have repeatedly violated the deal. “Resolution 2231 was adopted to lift sanctions, not to extend them. Any actions against its timeline will have serious consequences,” he stated.


Call for Full Compliance and Preservation of the JCPOA

As the JCPOA approaches its “Termination Day,” Naziri urged all parties to fully implement UNSC Resolution 2231, warning that the international community’s investment in the deal should not be undermined. He stressed that Iran remains committed to its obligations but expects all parties to return to full compliance and lift sanctions in an effective and verifiable manner.


“Pressure policies have not worked and will not work,” he concluded, adding that Iran, as an independent nation, will continue pursuing its national priorities while remaining open to restoring the JCPOA—provided that sanctions are genuinely removed.


Iran’s representative to international organizations in Vienna also condemned the extensive killings carried out by the Israeli regime in Gaza over the past 15 months, describing the humanitarian crisis in the enclave as a clear example of genocide and a crime against humanity.


He further emphasized, “The bitter irony of the 21st century is that the Israeli regime, which has not joined any treaty on weapons of mass destruction and possesses hundreds of nuclear weapons, is lecturing in this body about the compliance of an NPT member with international norms.”