U.S. and European Allies Warn Iran: “Time Is Not on Your Side”
WANA (Mar 06) – The United States and three European nations—Britain, France, and Germany—have issued a joint statement at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors’ quarterly meeting, reiterating political claims against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. Accusing Tehran of escalating tensions, they warned, “Time is not on Iran’s side.”
The statement, published on the UK government’s website, alleges that Iran has failed to provide explanations regarding nuclear materials detected at several undeclared sites for over five years.
“We deeply regret that Iran has refused to clarify these issues, despite repeated calls from the IAEA Director General and the Board of Governors, which have emphasized Iran’s legal obligation to cooperate,” the statement reads. “As a result, the Agency remains unable to provide the necessary assurances regarding the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program.”
Threats of Consequences for Non-Compliance
The statement further warns that “no country should be allowed to violate its safeguards commitments without consequences.” It urges Iran to fully cooperate with the IAEA, adding:
“If Iran does not change course, the Board of Governors must be prepared to declare Iran non-compliant. So far, Iran has chosen its path. If it does not shift, the Board will have to make its decision. Time is not in Iran’s favor.”
The four signatories also claim that Iran’s refusal to cooperate with the IAEA while expanding its nuclear program to levels with “no credible civilian justification” is “deeply concerning.”
Calls for Action and Increased Pressure by IAEA
The statement insists that the Board of Governors must “use all available tools” to support the IAEA’s efforts to clarify Iran’s nuclear activities. It criticizes Tehran for ignoring two resolutions passed by the Board in 2024 that demanded Iranian cooperation.
The U.S. and the European troika renewed their call for Iran to “immediately resume full cooperation” with the IAEA. Referring to the Board’s November 2024 resolution, they emphasized that the IAEA Director General’s assessment of Iran’s nuclear program should be based on “all available information.”
The statement asserts that it is Iran’s responsibility to provide “credible technical explanations and substantive cooperation” to the IAEA. “We regret that, despite having ample time and opportunity over the past four months, Iran has made no progress,” the signatories claim.
Given the Director General’s latest report, which states that the IAEA has reached an “impasse” in addressing these issues, the statement stresses that a “comprehensive assessment must be delivered as soon as possible.”
The U.S. and European troika conclude with a warning: “If the Director General does not report clear and technically credible progress, the Board of Governors must be prepared to declare Iran non-compliant with its safeguards agreement.”
Ignoring Iran’s extensive cooperation with the IAEA, the statement asserts: “More than ever, urgent action is needed to resolve transparency concerns and provide assurances regarding the nature of Iran’s nuclear advancements. Full cooperation from Iran has been long overdue. Instead of engaging, Iran has chosen a path of escalation and delay. If it continues down this path, it must be held accountable.”