Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati was re-elected as the chairman of Iran’s Assembly of Experts on Tuesda
WANA – (Feb 21) – During a meeting of the Assembly of Experts in Tehran today, the senior cleric was re-elected as the head of the body.
The high-ranking body elects and oversees the activities of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
The 88 members of the assembly are directly elected to office by people for an eight-year term. It holds biannual meetings to appoint a new chairman.
After the Islamic Republic of Iran was established in 1979, researchers and intellectuals in socio-political studies began to pay more attention to different aspects of these fields and their roles in managing the government and the society. However, the conditions imposed on the country during the first years after the revolution and the beginning of the imposed war ruined any chance of extensive theoretical and practical researches.
In July 1983, the Assembly of Experts for Leadership was established to act as an undoubtedly important organ of the Islamic government against attacks of the enemies of the Islamic state.
Responsibility of the Assembly of Experts is so crucial and it has such a deep and profound role in the future of the Islamic state that Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, regarded its responsibility more important than any other responsibilities and warned that “slightest negligence and remissness or slightest reliance on personal judgments, and God forbids, following self-desires which can corrupt this virtuous act would cause the biggest catastrophe of the history.”
Therefore, only those who have great social insight, moral purification and jurisprudential knowledge can fulfill this great duty. In fact, the Assembly of Experts is among innovative organizations in the political system of the country which was first mentioned in the essential laws when the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran was written. Active role of this Assembly is a strong support for protecting the system especially at crucial moments.
Due to the intellectual and academic needs of the country and frequent reminders of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, in the session on February 17, 1993, the Assembly of Experts assigned the responsibility of carrying out research in Islamic government to the secretariat of the Assembly of Experts. According to this directive, in 1993, the Research Center was established in order to explain, deepen and promote political thoughts of Islam with regards to Islamic government, the activities of which extends inside and outside the country giving the priority to inside the country.
The present text aims to introduce the Assembly of Experts, the secretariat of the Assembly, the Research Center, and the Hokumat-e Islami Quarterly.