WANA (August 15) – Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen’s Ansar Allah, spoke today (Thursday, August 15) about the latest developments in the region, the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza, and the silence of human rights claimants in the face of this genocide.


He stated that on the 314th day of the Gaza war, the Zionist enemy continues its century-long crime of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza.


Al-Houthi pointed out that the Zionist enemy, by committing the massacre at dawn, has shattered the lives of civilians, violated the sanctity of prayer and worshipers, and perpetrated the killing of those praying.


He said that just one day of the 314 days of the Zionist enemy’s crimes is enough to awaken the conscience of any human being.


The leader of Ansar Allah in Yemen remarked that the horrific crimes of the enemy did not prompt Arab leaders and regimes to take action.


Their movements are not proportionate to the pain suffered by the Palestinian people. Some Arab regimes are aligned with the Zionist enemy, which boasts of the abundance of fruit and food supplies provided by these regimes, while the Palestinian people are starving.


Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi emphasized that some Arab regimes have fully supported the enemy militarily, defending it against rockets and drones. Arab media has become a platform for justifying the crimes of the Israeli enemy, with their propaganda serving this regime.


Few religious scholars support Palestine, and most do nothing to mobilize the Islamic Ummah to fulfill its sacred jihadist duty. Those who call themselves prominent scholars are constantly stirring sectarian discord. The extremist symbols aim to divert the Islamic Ummah’s attention from the main issue, ignoring what is happening to the Palestinian people.


He added, “We hear no voice other than the ugly, loud voices mixed with slander, discord, and service to the Zionist enemy. The political and academic elites in the Islamic Ummah have faded away. Why do two billion Muslims do nothing and take no action for Gaza? If hundreds of millions of Muslims acted and fulfilled their responsibilities, the enemy’s crimes would stop, and the reality of the Palestinian people would change.”