WANA (July 7) – The voting behavior of Iranian expatriates reveals some surprising findings. Despite the extensive propaganda against the conservative candidate Saeed Jalili, he managed to secure more votes than the reformist candidate, Massoud Pezeshkian.


None of the tactics aimed at instilling fear about Jalili—such as warnings that his presidency would severely damage Iran’s relations with the world, completely nullify the nuclear agreement, and heavily restrict social freedoms—proved effective. Contrary to this media and propaganda atmosphere, Iranians voted more for the candidate labelled as a hardliner.


Jalili became the top choice for Iranians abroad in the second round of the presidential election, just as he was in the first round.


According to the spokesperson for the National Election Headquarters, 88,325 votes were cast by Iranians abroad in the second round of the 14th presidential election, held on Friday, July 6.


Of these votes, 50,206 were for Mr Saeed Jalili, and 36,169 were for Mr Massoud Pezeshkian.


The number of invalid votes in the second round of the presidential election in overseas polling stations was also announced to be 1,950 votes.

Why do Iranians abroad desire a strong, anti-Western president in Iran? Many Iranians who have lived abroad for many years believe that the West only understands the language of force. Therefore, to secure concessions from the West, a president with pro-Western inclinations can never obtain the rights that Iranians deserve.


Hardline opponents of the Islamic Republic of Iran abroad made every effort to prevent any Iranians from going to Iranian embassies in various countries to vote, aiming to undermine the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Anti-government hardliners even created physical disturbances for voters and used the vilest language against them. However, none of these actions could prevent Iranians from voting. In fact, the number of Iranians abroad who voted in the second round was higher than in the first round.


Western politicians should consider why the majority of Iranians living abroad are so strongly opposed to Western policies regarding Iran.


Undoubtedly, the voice and opinion of the overwhelming majority of Iranians about Western perspectives and policies will be truly heard only when Iranians can freely express their views in an environment free from fear, threats, and coercion.


While some people inside Iran are in favor of establishing relations with the West, even at the cost of abandoning certain principles, the same and even more Iranians abroad are opposed to giving any concessions, however small, to the West.


Perhaps it is time for the West to reconsider its policies regarding Iran.

By R.Ganji