WANA (Sep 26) – Iran’s Foreign Minister, Seyyed Abbas Araqchi, emphasized that “Israel must immediately stop its war against Gaza and end its attacks on Lebanon,” asserting that “without a ceasefire in Gaza, there will be no guarantee for peace in the region.”


Speaking on Thursday morning at the United Nations Security Council meeting on “The Situation in the Middle East,” Araqchi began his remarks by saying: “Madam President, I thank you for convening this emergency meeting to address the ongoing aggressions of the Israeli regime against Lebanon. We also welcome the presence of Prime Minister Najib Azmi Mikati and express the full solidarity and support of the Iranian people for Lebanon in its heroic defense against the aggressions and crimes of the terrorist Israeli regime.”


He noted the high tension in the region, stating, “If not controlled, it will inevitably lead to an unprecedented catastrophe.” He added, “The apartheid regime of Israel, continuing its brutalities in occupied Palestine, has now launched an unjust and aggressive war against Lebanon, targeting innocent people across the border and deep inside Lebanese territory.”


Araqchi stressed that this aggression, which has claimed the lives of thousands of innocent people, including women and children, is not just the tragic consequence of an imposed war but a calculated tactic by Israel to terrorize and drive an entire population from their land.


He also pointed out that the deliberate and indiscriminate targeting of civilians in Lebanon by destroying communication devices like walkie-talkies, pagers, and other tools used by ordinary citizens, should alarm the international community. “This is the clearest example of the militarization of civilian communication tools,” he said.


Araqchi urged that “this new version of terrorism must be condemned decisively by all. Otherwise, it will set a dangerous precedent that could easily be replicated by other terrorist groups and entities besides the Israeli regime.”


He criticized the U.S. for preventing the Security Council from issuing even a simple press statement condemning this “mass terror operation,” just as it has repeatedly blocked any meaningful action by the Council to stop the genocide in Gaza.


Israel has no intention of pursuing peace or agreeing to a ceasefire

Araqchi, emphasizing that “Israel’s aggression against Lebanon cannot be separated from the overall situation in the region,” said, “For this terrorist regime, international humanitarian law and the principle of human dignity mean nothing.”


He recalled Israel’s long history of occupation of Palestinian territories, its ongoing genocidal war against the people of Gaza, unprovoked attacks on Syria and Lebanon, terrorist assaults on Iranian diplomatic sites, and the assassination of a Hamas political leader in Tehran. All of these, he said, reflect the true nature of Israel as a terrorist entity that holds no regard for peace or human rights.


Araqchi asserted that “Israel has no intention of pursuing peace or agreeing to a ceasefire,” and that its real goal is to drag the entire region into a full-scale war. “Unfortunately, the unconditional support of the United States and the UK for Israel has given them the license to engage in all manner of wicked behavior,” he added.


The Iranian Foreign Minister went on to say that “the ongoing aggression against Lebanon has been exacerbated by the failure of the international community, particularly the United Nations Security Council, to hold Israel accountable for its war crimes and genocide in Gaza.” The U.S.’s failure to rein in Israel, coupled with its continued provision of military equipment and political support, has emboldened Israel to carry out these horrific acts without fear of punishment, he noted.


Addressing the members of the meeting, Araqchi said, “We must all work together to ensure that wickedness and cruelty are not accepted as normal behavior. All governments must demand that the U.N. Security Council fulfill its responsibilities under the U.N. Charter. The corrupt and criminal leaders of the Zionist regime must understand that their actions will not go unanswered.”


Araqchi warned that the region is on the brink of a wider conflict due to the aggressions and horrific crimes of Israel against the nations of the region. “Now more than ever, Israel has become a serious threat to international peace and security,” he added, asserting that the regime does not deserve U.N. membership. Its representative at the U.N. “shamelessly and brazenly tears the U.N. Charter before the eyes of the international community,” Araqchi concluded.


The Region is at Risk of Escalating into a Full-Scale Conflict

Iran’s top diplomat continued by stating that the only clear way to prevent further escalation is for Israel to immediately halt its war against Gaza and end its attacks on Lebanon.


Araqchi emphasized, “Let me be clear: without a ceasefire in Gaza, there will be no guarantee for peace in the region. The international community cannot remain silent. We urge this council to respond urgently and decisively. The U.N. Security Council, which holds the legal responsibility for maintaining international peace and security, must fulfill its duty and decisively respond to the aggressive and terrorist actions of the Israeli regime in Lebanon.”


He warned that “if this does not happen, the region is at risk of being dragged into a full-scale conflict. The supporters and enablers of the Israeli regime, particularly the United States and the UK, bear legal and moral responsibility to act before it is too late.”


The Iranian Foreign Minister stressed that the crimes and genocide committed by the apartheid occupying regime must not go unpunished, as this impunity has emboldened the regime to continue its patterns of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.


He concluded by saying, “The world is watching, and history will judge this council based on the actions it takes—or fails to take—today.”