WANA (Aug 23) – The head of the Iran-China Friendship Association stated that the U.S. sanctions against Iran are unjust and are not endorsed by the UN Security Council. Therefore, Iran and China should expand their cooperation outside the sphere of these illegal sanctions.


Alaeddin Boroujerdi, while congratulating the 53rd anniversary of Iran-China relations, emphasized that both countries should free themselves from the constraints of unjust sanctions to advance their cooperation.


The head of the Iran-China Friendship Association pointed out that there are numerous opportunities for expanding cooperation between Iran and China in various fields, including trade and economic sectors, technology and industry, culture, academia, and more.


He suggested creating a roadmap or a list of key collaborative projects between the two nations. This list should be pushed toward implementation through the cooperation of the Iran-China Friendship Association, the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Iran’s Parliament), and the Chinese Embassy in Tehran.


Boroujerdi noted that in recent years, Russia has significantly increased its involvement in Iran’s oil and gas projects, and he welcomed the active participation of Chinese companies in these sectors as well.


He also mentioned China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative as a major effort to develop global trade, proposing that this initiative could also be included in the list of joint major projects between the two countries.


In his speech, Boroujerdi highlighted that the new Iranian government is fresh and energetic. He urged China to seize this opportunity for a major leap in the development of bilateral relations.


He emphasized that the strategic cooperation agreement for 25 years between the two sides is the roadmap for developing bilateral cooperation.


Boroujerdi also stressed the need to remove existing obstacles to opening bank accounts for Iranian traders and students residing in China.


Referring to regional and global issues, Boroujerdi condemned the inhumane crimes of the Zionist regime against the defenseless people of Palestine and called for increased global efforts and dialogues to end these atrocities.


He also underscored the importance of enhancing Iran-China cooperation within BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and suggested creating mechanisms to reduce dependency on the U.S. dollar in bilateral trade by using the national currencies of the two countries.


Chinese Ambassador Zong Peiyu, while congratulating the 53rd anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries, emphasized that both nations should take advantage of the current opportunities to further develop their relations.


Zong stated that there is already a solid foundation for extensive cooperation between the two countries.


He suggested that the ministers of the new Iranian cabinet, after assuming office, should develop a roadmap to expand cooperation in their respective fields.


The ambassador added that in his view, Iran and China have a strategic and comprehensive partnership and should focus more on advancing this collaboration.


Referring to the significant potential of various Iranian provinces to expand cooperation with China, Zong mentioned that he plans to include visits to these provinces in his agenda.


Zong also discussed regional and global issues, noting that both China and Iran agree that the United States is a source of global insecurity and instability.


He also mentioned a recent report by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on U.S. interference in the internal affairs of countries, including Iran. He suggested that Iran and China could collaborate to reveal the true face of the United States to the world.


Regarding the Palestinian issue, the ambassador expressed regret over the current situation, stressing the need for more dialogues between Iran and China to help find a way to end the ongoing crisis. He emphasized that China supports a comprehensive and lasting ceasefire in Gaza and is working to stop the conflict.