WANA (Sep 08) – The commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Ground Forces stated that anti-revolutionary elements and terrorists have been expelled from Iran-Iraq borders, and these borders have been cleared of hostile elements.


Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour, commander of the IRGC Ground Forces, said: “The modern model of warfare has changed, and we are witnessing fundamental shifts in the tactics and strategies of war. We must prepare our units accordingly.”


He explained that in today’s conflicts, the tactics used by terrorists and anti-revolutionary elements, the personnel they deploy, and even the equipment they use are different from the past. He added: “In recent months, we have seen terrorist attacks on police stations and outposts in the south of the country. These attacks are certainly not the work of a single group, but rather, a powerful service is behind them, exploiting hostile groups in the region for their own benefit.”


Pakpour emphasized that commando brigades are tasked with special missions and are always in a high state of readiness. He noted: “Movements along the borders indicate enemy planning and the strengthening of hostile groups at the borders. According to investigations, the Zionist regime is backing sabotage teams at the borders and terrorist operations targeting Iranian outposts.”


He also pointed out: “There was a time when artillery and tanks were the dominant tools in warfare. However, today, apart from artillery and tanks, drones, smart weapons, and other advanced tools have gained special importance, and they can sometimes be decisive.”


Pakpour stressed that in modern warfare, the tactics of employing military tools in missions are crucial. He said: “If the enemy sees our preparedness, they will certainly reconsider their malicious intentions. But if we show weakness, the enemy will become greedy and take security actions.”


The IRGC Ground Forces commander also stated that in the 1990s, some border areas were under the control of anti-revolutionary elements. However, with the effective presence of the IRGC in these regions, anti-revolutionary elements were cleared from Iran’s eastern and southeastern borders. He added that afterward, the Iraqi government signed a security agreement with Iran to expel and clear anti-revolutionary elements from the borders of both countries, marking the greatest victory for the Islamic Republic.