Key Factors Behind Israel’s Intelligence Supremacy in Lebanon
WANA (Sep 27) – After the incident involving the explosion of pagers and radios, which led to the death of senior resistance commanders in Lebanon, the question of how Israel achieved such a high level of intelligence dominance has become widespread. To answer this question, I would like to highlight several key points:
1. Economic Strain and Intelligence Infiltration: In security dynamics, it is an established principle that decreased economic power is directly linked to increased vulnerability to intelligence infiltration, particularly through human resources. The economic pressure and sanctions imposed on Lebanon in recent years have significantly enhanced Mossad’s recruitment efforts, even among Shia communities. This has played a crucial role in the effectiveness of recent attacks.
2. Technological Control: Apart from economic issues, one of the greatest challenges is technology. Both of Lebanon’s mobile operators are controlled by American interests, giving them access to all communication data. The internet infrastructure and other tech services are also controlled by rival forces, effectively under U.S. control. Most Lebanese people rely on social media, especially WhatsApp, for communication, and there is little concern for security or privacy in their exchanges.
From Infected Blankets of Native Americans to Infected Pagers in Lebanon!
WANA (Sep 20) – There is a well-known event in the history of science that took place in 1736 AD, after the discovery of the Americas. European and Spanish settlers, in an effort to conquer new lands, waged a major war against the indigenous Native Americans. Despite numerous battles and much bloodshed, the settlers were […]
3. Use of Artificial Intelligence: Additionally, Israel’s focus on artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years has enabled it to identify a vast network of individuals. For instance, one of the individuals who was assassinated didn’t own a mobile phone. His wife, however, messaged her sister, saying that he would be visiting that night. This information was intercepted, and he was killed on the road while leaving the house.
4. Multiple Foreign Intelligence Agencies: Moreover, all Western intelligence agencies are active in Lebanon. Along with Mossad, British, French, and several Arab intelligence services are operating there. I once heard that more than 60 intelligence services have been tasked by the U.S. to gather information on the resistance. In addition, the intelligence services of Arab countries allied with the U.S. and Israel, such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, and others, are also present in Lebanon.
5. Syrian Refugees: On top of this, millions of Syrian refugees have entered Lebanon, taking up jobs as guards, janitors, and service workers in apartments and neighborhoods, essentially replacing African workers. Due to their poor living conditions, they can easily be recruited to gather information.
Therefore, staying hidden in such an environment is extremely difficult.
WANA – Israeli unit called 8200. Social Media / WANA News Agency