WANA (Sep 17) – In a ceremony inaugurating the Basij Construction projects, Major General Salami, the Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), emphasized the profound courage and resilience of the Iranian people and said: “When a nation becomes so great and strong that it is not afraid of war, it becomes the reason why the enemy refrains from engaging with it.”


Salami recalled a night when missiles were launched toward Israel, striking at the heart of imperialism. Despite the looming threat of war, Iranians celebrated in the streets, turning on their car lights and rejoicing.


“When a nation becomes so great and strong that it is not afraid of war, it becomes the reason why the enemy refrains from engaging with it,” he explained.


He continued: “Our enemies don’t have people to fight for them, and they want their weapons to fight on their behalf, but our faithful youth charge into the heart of danger and make the battlefield tight for the enemy. This is the very factor behind our victory.”


He emphasized: “We use weapons, but the real strength behind the weapons is the hearts of our young people. The weapons are not the foundation of our youth’s courage; their hearts are. We are a nation with great hearts, broad chests, penetrating and insightful eyes, firm and steady steps, and strong and powerful hands.”


He added: “Those who once sought to isolate us globally and impose economic sanctions on us are now themselves isolated and facing economic crises. These are the same people who once wouldn’t settle for anything less than the downfall of our system, but now they beg us to strike them lightly and plead for our restraint.”


The Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) reminded: “You should clearly see the shift in the balance of power through the changing political rhetoric of these powers’ leaders. Depression, hopelessness, and the absence of a strategy to rescue them from their deadlocks are signs of this power shift.”