WANA (Sep 02) – The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced his readiness to engage with Iran’s new president and emphasized the need for continued cooperation between Tehran and the IAEA.


Rafael Grossi, the Director General of the IAEA, expressed concern about “the continued accumulation of enriched uranium in Iran” in relation to the country’s nuclear program.


Grossi stated: “I received a response from the new president of Iran, and he has agreed that we should meet. We must strive to make this happen at an appropriate time. I hope the appropriate time for him is as soon as possible.”


The Director General of the IAEA considered the Iranian president’s response as an indication of the potential for fresh dialogue between the two sides aimed at ensuring the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear activities.


Without mentioning the continuous and ongoing cooperation between Tehran and the IAEA, Grossi emphasized the need for increased transparency and cooperation from Iran, particularly in light of advancements in the country’s nuclear capabilities.


Rafael Grossi also underscored the importance of the IAEA’s impartiality, noting that their assessments are based solely on independently verified information to prevent the politicization of the agency’s nuclear reports.


He discussed nuclear weapons proliferation and the IAEA’s role in reducing the risks of nuclear escalation, particularly in regions of heightened tension, stressing the importance of continued dialogue and the necessity of international cooperation to effectively address these challenges.