WANA (August 11) – Ali Bagheri, the Acting Foreign Minister of Iran, held a phone conversation with Kasper Veldkamp, the Dutch Foreign Minister, discussing the terrorist attack by the Zionist regime that resulted in the assassination of the head of Hamas’ political office in Tehran, as well as the recent developments in Gaza, particularly the brutal targeting of the Tabi’in school by the ruling killers in Tel Aviv.


Bagheri condemned the Israeli regime’s brutal assault on the school, which left dozens of innocent and defenseless people dead or injured. He remarked, “If this crime had been committed by any entity other than the Zionist regime, Western countries would have raised the flag of human rights and utilized all their resources, including the UN Security Council, to declare this intolerable act a threat to international peace and security.”


He also pointed to the violation of Iran’s national sovereignty and security by the Zionist regime in the criminal assassination of martyr Ismail Haniyeh, expressing regret that some European countries have remained silent in the face of the Zionist regime’s terrorist actions, thereby preventing the UN Security Council from addressing these atrocities, which has only led to the continuation and escalation of Israeli crimes.


Bagheri emphasized that Iran’s response to the Zionist regime’s crimes is in accordance with international practices and the UN Charter. He urged the Dutch government to condemn the Zionist regime’s crimes and support Iran’s legitimate and decisive actions in self-defense against the aggressor.


Kasper Veldkamp, the Dutch Foreign Minister, expressed concern about the worsening situation in West Asia and stressed the need for all parties to exercise restraint to reduce tensions. He described the attack on a school in Gaza as heartbreaking and reiterated the Netherlands’ call for a ceasefire, a reduction in violence, and the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.