WANA (Aug 24) – Kazem Gharibabadi, Iran’s Deputy Chief of International Affairs in the Judiciary, met with Spanish Ambassador Antonio Sánchez-Benedito Gaspar, emphasizing that a number of fraudsters and criminals have fled to Spain, and Iran is seeking their extradition.


Gharibabadi stressed the importance of close legal and judicial cooperation between the two countries, stating that enhancing interactions and expanding human rights and judicial collaborations could not only strengthen bilateral relations but also improve the situation for citizens of both nations.


Gharibabadi highlighted the need for cooperation on extradition, asserting that Spain should not become a safe haven for criminals and fraudsters. He pointed out that increased collaboration in this area would contribute to greater security and justice in both countries.


The Spanish ambassador welcomed Gharibabadi’s proposal for exchanging legal, judicial, and human rights expertise and confirmed that he would relay Iran’s requests and positions on extradition to officials in Madrid.


The ambassador also emphasized the importance of constructive engagement and cooperation in legal and judicial matters between the two countries, expressing hope that such efforts would yield positive and tangible results.