WANA (Aug 20) — On Sunday, August 18, Alireza Mahmoudi, Director General of Consular Affairs at Iran’s Foreign Ministry, met with the Saudi ambassador in Tehran to discuss the release of two Iranian citizens detained in Saudi Arabia.


The Saudi ambassador emphasized the positive relations between the two countries and expressed hope that the two Iranian pilgrims would soon return home.


Alireza Bigdeli, Deputy Consular Affairs Minister, stated that one of the detainees is held on general criminal charges, while the other, Mohammad Khazaei, is detained for media-related activities.


The head of Iran’s National Security Committee announced that Saudi Arabia and Iraq have pledged to expedite the resolution of the issue and facilitate the release of Khazaei and Mohammad Reza Nouri.


Additionally, another Iranian pilgrim, Seyyed Kazem Rohbakhsh, who was recently detained in Medina after performing Hajj, has been released and returned to Iran.