WANA (Sep 12) – Following a joint statement by the foreign ministers of the UK, France, and Germany, along with the U.S., accusing Iran of involvement in the Ukraine conflict and imposing new sanctions, European ambassadors in Tehran were summoned to Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The summons took place on Thursday and was carried out individually by the Director-General for Western Europe.


During the meeting, the Director-General strongly condemned the recent statements and actions by certain Western countries, labeling them as part of a hostile policy against the Iranian people.


He stressed that Iran would respond appropriately to these sanctions and reiterated that any claims regarding the sale of ballistic missiles to Russia were entirely unfounded.


He further criticized the U.S. and its allies for their role in arms sales, accusing them of fueling global tension and crises. The European ambassadors stated they would relay the discussions back to their respective capitals.