WANA (Aug 24) – In a recent news interview, Seyed Abbas Araghchi, Iran’s newly appointed Foreign Minister, stated that the 13th (Ebrahim Raisi) government’s neighbourhood diplomacy would continue, emphasizing that the goal is to manage hostility with the United States rather than eliminate it.


Araghchi outlined three major missions for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: securing national interests, national security, and national dignity. He clarified that all activities of the ministry fall under one of these three categories.


He explained that the first mission focuses on securing national interests, primarily economic but also non-economic benefits. The second mission involves supporting national security and enhancing the country’s deterrence power through diplomacy.


The third mission aims to elevate Iran’s dignity and prestige on the international stage and ensure respect for Iran and its citizens globally.


Regarding the Ministry’s priorities, Araghchi emphasized that the primary focus is on neighbouring countries and the surrounding region, which present significant opportunities for national interests and security.


The second priority is expanding diplomacy to Africa, Latin America, and East Asia, regions offering substantial prospects for Iran.


Araghchi highlighted that the third priority is to strengthen relations with countries that supported Iran during difficult times and sanctions, particularly China and Russia.


He also noted that emerging powers like India, South Africa, Brazil, and, to some extent, Turkey are among the Ministry’s priorities.


Araghchi, commented on relations with Europe, indicating that European countries are currently not a priority for Iran due to their misguided and hostile policies. However, he noted that if these policies were to change, Europe might regain priority in Iran’s diplomatic agenda.


Araghchi reiterated that Iran is not seeking to resolve its hostility with the United States, as these tensions stem from fundamental disagreements. Instead, Iran’s goal is to manage the hostility and reduce its costs for the nation.


He also mentioned that over the years, the threats and hostilities from the U.S. have presented opportunities for Iran, allowing the country to achieve a higher strategic position than in the past.


Regarding the negotiations to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in the final months of the 12th government, Araghchi explained that after Trump’s defeat and Biden’s election, the U.S. expressed interest in returning to the JCPOA. Iran set conditions for this return, leading to negotiations in early 2021. Despite six rounds of talks, no agreement was reached.


Araghchi emphasized that reviving the JCPOA will not be as straightforward as before due to changes in the international landscape, necessitating a review of some aspects of the agreement.


He also stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for lifting sanctions and will utilize all of the country’s resources to achieve this goal. However, Araghchi noted that there is no rush to start new negotiations, and Iran will not engage in protracted discussions.


Iran’s Foreign Minister stated that the guiding principles of the Fourteenth Government’s foreign policy are rooted in the Constitution, the general policies of the system, the guidance of the Supreme Leader, and high-level documents.


He emphasized that the government will adhere strictly to these principles, ensuring there is no duality in its foreign policy.


He affirmed that the Axis of Resistance is founded on specific ideals, and Iran will support it under any circumstances. The hostility with the United States stems from core principles to which Iran is committed, making these conflicts irreconcilable and necessitating their management.


The minister highlighted that supporting the people of Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, and other parts of the Islamic world, particularly within the framework of the Axis of Resistance, is a consistent and unchangeable policy of the Fourteenth Government.


Araghchi also announced that Iran will actively participate in negotiations regarding the Gaza ceasefire and will present a specific plan to assert its political role in the matter.


He further noted that while Iran holds a prominent position as a transit hub, underutilization and delays have led to some routes being redirected, diminishing Iran’s benefits. Addressing this issue is the responsibility of the government, and foreign policy must play its part in resolving it.


Iran’s Foreign Minister, Seyed Abbas Araghchi, emphasized that China and Russia are close friends and strategic partners of Iran, having supported the country during sanctions.


He stated that Iran will continue to strengthen and expand its relations with these nations. Araghchi mentioned the 25-year cooperation plan with China and the 10-year plan with Russia, adding that Iran is currently negotiating a 20-year plan with Russia to ensure long-term engagement with both countries.


The Foreign Minister highlighted that economic diplomacy, utilizing international mechanisms, is a crucial aspect of Iran’s foreign policy.


He stressed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must align with the country’s economic objectives, facilitating opportunities for economic actors, identifying new markets, and creating a conducive political environment. While the ministry will not directly engage in economic activities, it will act as a facilitator, with sanctions relief being one of its key roles.


Araghchi also emphasized that there is no distinction between military action and diplomacy, viewing them as an integrated unit working towards common goals.


He added that media plays a crucial role as the third pillar alongside the military and diplomacy, underscoring the need for coordination among these three elements and highlighting the significant value and importance of the media.