WANA (August 10) – In a meeting with a group of veterans from the Iran-Iraq War, Mohsen Rezaee condemned Israel’s atrocities in Gaza and criticized the double standards of human rights by the U.S. and the West. He stated that Iran will deliver a strong response to the malicious actions of the Zionist regime.


The former Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC during the Iran-Iraq War emphasized, “Iran will respond to the Zionist regime’s wickedness with wisdom and power. According to Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, the Islamic Republic of Iran has the right to self-defense and will not hesitate in this matter.”


He added, “We are facing a vicious aggressor, and many people around the world are waiting for Iran to put them in their place with a strong slap because the extent of Israel’s crimes has surpassed human tolerance.”


Rezaee continued, “The bombing of the Tabayeen school, resulting in over 100 student martyrs, and prior bombings of hospitals, as well as the killing of journalists, women, children, and the elderly, are unprecedented in the history of the region and even the world. The support of self-proclaimed human rights advocates for these crimes has destroyed all their credibility, revealing that liberal slogans like freedom, human rights, and the role of international organizations are merely a mask for the dark face of Western racist ideology.”


A member of the Expediency Discernment Council, Rezaee stated, “Stopping the killing machine of the Israeli regime and their crimes in the region, which are progressing with the support of the West, can only be achieved through practical strength and power. We call on all Islamic countries to cooperate with each other to eliminate this murderous and racist gang from the region.”