WANA (Sep 04) – The Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces stated that the Islamic Republic’s response to the crimes of the Israeli regime and the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh is certain and inevitable, saying: The Zionist regime will take the dream of Iran not responding to its crimes to the grave.


General Ali Abdollahi, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, remarked that the so-called human rights advocates support the child-killing Israeli regime. He stated: This criminal terrorist gang has killed more than 40,000 Palestinian women and children in the past few months, yet not a single word has been heard from the countries and organizations claiming to defend human rights; instead, they have even supported this regime behind the scenes.


Referring to the steadfastness of the Iranian people in the face of the crimes committed by the U.S. and the Israeli regime, he warned: I caution the enemies not to test the patience of the Iranian people; the proud nation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, with bare hands during the Sacred Defense, sacrificed their lives and property to prevent even one meter of their homeland from being taken.


The Deputy Chief of Staff reiterated that the Islamic Republic’s response to the crimes of the Zionist regime and the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh is certain and inevitable, stressing: The Zionist regime should know that Iran’s response is definite, but the timing is unknown and will be determined by Iran.


General Abdollahi also emphasized that Iran today holds a high position in the region and the world and its capabilities and power should not be underestimated. He warned: The enmity of the arrogant powers against the Iranian nation in cultural, social, economic, and political fields is ongoing, and we should not be deceived by enemy propaganda.