WANA (Sep 05) – Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations, rejecting the “baseless and misleading” accusations from the U.S., the UK, and France regarding Tehran’s role in the Ukraine conflict, stated: “The United States and its allies cannot deny the undeniable fact that the shipment of advanced Western weapons, particularly by the U.S., has prolonged the war in Ukraine and harmed civilians and civilian infrastructure.”


Amir Saeid Iravani, Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said on Wednesday in a letter to UN Secretary-General António Guterres and the President of the Security Council: “Therefore, any claims of Iran’s involvement in the sale, export, or transfer of weapons to the Russian Federation and violating its international obligations are completely unfounded and are categorically rejected. Iran once again underscores its unwavering commitment to adhering to international humanitarian law.”


The senior Iranian diplomat added: “Contrary to the U.S. representative’s claim, it is, in fact, the United States, not Iran, that is the main sponsor and promoter of terrorism in the region and the world. The U.S. stands at the forefront of supporting Israel, the world’s most dangerous terrorist regime.”


The full text of Amir Saeid Iravani’s letter, Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, to the UN Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council regarding the accusations by the U.S., UK, and France on Tehran’s role in the Ukraine conflict is as follows:


In the name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful


The present correspondence follows the open meeting of the United Nations Security Council held on August 30, 2024, under the topic “Threats to International Peace and Security,” focusing on the supply of Western weapons to Ukraine (S/PV.9716). During this meeting, the representatives of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France once again coordinated the leveling of similar accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran concerning the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.


The representatives of France and the United Kingdom incorrectly cited their false claims under UN Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015), while the U.S. representative, in addition to echoing the same baseless allegations, also accused the Islamic Republic of Iran of supporting terrorism. These misleading accusations are entirely groundless and are strongly rejected.


The Islamic Republic of Iran views these accusations as nothing more than a reflection of the limited and short-sighted political agendas of these three permanent members of the Council, aimed solely at advancing their own political interests – a fact that is well-known based on their past conduct in the Security Council.


It is absurd that the very three countries that are directly involved in the Ukraine conflict and have significantly contributed to its escalation through the provision of advanced weaponry are shamelessly making such baseless allegations against my country. The United States and its allies cannot hide the undeniable fact that the shipment of advanced Western weapons, especially by the U.S., has prolonged the Ukraine war and inflicted damage on civilians and civilian infrastructure.


As repeatedly mentioned, including in the letter dated July 30, 2024 (S/2024/580), Resolution 2231 has no relevance to the Ukraine conflict. Moreover, the Islamic Republic of Iran has consistently adhered to its obligations and remains committed to fulfilling them.


Therefore, any claim of Iran’s involvement in the sale, export, or transfer of weapons to the Russian Federation and the violation of its international commitments is completely unfounded and categorically rejected. Iran once again reaffirms its unwavering commitment to respecting international humanitarian law.


Contrary to the U.S. representative’s claim, it is the United States, not Iran, that is the primary sponsor and promoter of terrorism in the region and the world. The U.S. is the top supporter of Israel, the world’s most dangerous terrorist regime.


The United States continues to defend the genocidal crimes against the Palestinian people by providing endless weapons to the Israeli regime for the terror and killing of innocent Palestinians, including children and women, and the ongoing bloodshed and horror in Gaza.


Furthermore, the U.S. support for UN-recognized terrorist groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra (Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham) and ISIS in the occupied areas of the Syrian Arab Republic and the region, in blatant violation of the UN Charter, international law, and relevant Security Council resolutions, is further evidence of the U.S.’s role as the main supporter of terrorism.


Additionally, the responsibility of the United States, as a strategic ally and primary supporter of the Zionist regime in the region, in the brutal assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, political leader of Hamas and former Prime Minister of Palestine, in Tehran on July 31, 2024, must not be ignored. This heinous crime would not have been possible without the authorization and intelligence support of the U.S. Moreover, the U.S. played a direct role in the cowardly assassination of Martyr Major General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, one of the official branches of the Iranian armed forces, and his companions, which was carried out by U.S. forces at Baghdad International Airport.


This terrorist act and savage crime were executed on the direct orders of the then U.S. president on January 3, 2020, while this commander was officially visiting Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government. Given its dark history, the U.S. has no standing to make baseless accusations against other members of the UN, especially Iran.


Kindly register and distribute this correspondence as an official document of the Security Council. I take this opportunity to renew the assurances of my highest consideration.