WANA (Sep 17) – In a meeting on the core services of the National Information Network, attended by several deputy ministers and managers of domestic platforms and messaging apps, the Minister of Communications, Sattar Hashemi, announced, “Local platforms have reached a level of maturity where they can compete internationally.”


Hashemi highlighted the ministry’s main goal of expanding Iranian messaging apps to the global market, especially in regional countries and among allied nations such as the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS.


He emphasized the potential for growth in these platforms, stating, “The 14th administration is pursuing this approach seriously and believes that the time is right for local messaging apps to enter the international stage.”


The Minister also noted that the Ministry of Communications will continue to support domestic platforms and messaging apps in line with current needs and circumstances.


However, an important question remains: Can messaging apps that are less popular in Iran succeed on the global stage? According to the latest ISPA survey from February 2024, WhatsApp, with a 35.3% usage share, is the most popular foreign messaging app in Iran, while “Eitaa,” with a 25.2% share, is the most popular domestic app.


This comes despite the fact that WhatsApp has been blocked in Iran since September 2022, and the 13th administration has made significant efforts to promote the use of domestic messaging apps as alternatives.