WANA (Sep 21) – A group of Iranian officials, ambassadors of Islamic countries, and participants of the 38th International Islamic Unity Conference met with Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.


During this meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei stated: “If we want the message of unity to be seen as sincere worldwide, we must have unity among ourselves.”


He further said: “If the Islamic Ummah taps into its inner strength, the Zionist regime will be removed from the heart of the Islamic world.”


We Need to Form an Islamic Ummah Today

He emphasized, “Perhaps one of the greatest lessons from the Prophet is the formation of the Islamic Ummah. The 13-year struggle in Mecca led to the Hijra, which laid the foundation for the Islamic Ummah.”


The Leader of the Revolution added: “Today, we need this lesson more than ever. We lack a unified Islamic Ummah. While there are many Islamic countries, with nearly two billion Muslims worldwide, we cannot call this a unified Ummah because we are not aligned.”


He continued, “An Ummah means a group of people moving in the same direction toward a common goal with shared motivation. But we are scattered. This disunity results in the dominance of Islam’s enemies. Some Islamic countries feel the need to rely on the U.S. for survival. If we weren’t divided, such dependence wouldn’t exist.”


He further noted: “We could support one another, utilize each other’s resources, and form a single, unified entity. This entity could be stronger than any current global power, as it once was.”


Islamic Leaders Must Strengthen the Motivation for Forming an Islamic Ummah

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed, “We need to focus on forming an Islamic Ummah today. Who can help in this endeavor? Governments can play a role, but their motivation isn’t always strong.”


He pointed out: “Those who can strengthen this motivation are the influential figures in the Islamic world—politicians, scholars, intellectuals, academics, writers, poets, analysts, and thought leaders. If, for ten years, the Islamic world’s media focused on Muslim unity, publishing articles, writing poetry, and producing analysis on the subject, the situation would change completely. Once the people wake up and desire unity, governments will have no choice but to follow.”


He continued: “The responsibility lies with influential figures to make this happen.”


Sincere Global Reception of Our Message of Unity Depends on Our Own Unity

The Leader of the Revolution reiterated, “If we want our message of unity to be genuinely accepted worldwide, we must first create unity among ourselves. Differences in opinion, politics, and other matters should not hinder the solidarity and cooperation of our nations. We must focus on true goals. If this happens, our enemies will no longer have the opportunity to allow corrupt, wicked entities like the Zionist regime to continue their crimes in this region.”


He added: “Look at what the Zionist regime is doing today—committing atrocities openly and shamelessly, whether in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, or Syria. They aren’t facing soldiers; they target innocent civilians. In Palestine, they couldn’t defeat the fighters, so they vent their ignorant rage and malice on children, hospital patients, and schools.”


He emphasized: “This is because we haven’t tapped into our inner strength. If we do, this inner power can remove the Zionist regime—a malignant cancerous tumor—from the heart of the Islamic world, namely Palestine. We can also end the oppressive influence and interference of the U.S. in this region.”


Cutting Economic Ties with the Zionist Regime: The First Step Toward Islamic Unity Against this Criminal Gang

Ayatollah Khamenei noted: “Today, the first step toward uniting the Islamic world against this criminal, terrorist gang ruling over Palestine is for Islamic countries to completely sever economic ties with this criminal regime. This is the least they can do, and it must be done. They should also weaken political relations, strengthen media attacks, and clearly express their support for the oppressed people of Palestine.”


In the opening remarks of this meeting, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian, referencing the Prophet’s method of creating unity and brotherhood among Muslims, stated that the way to prevent the crimes and aggressions of the Zionist regime is through Muslim unity and solidarity. He added: “If Muslims were united, the Zionist regime would not dare commit the current atrocities and the killing of women and children.”