WANA (July 12) – Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations addressed a letter to the President of the Security Council and the UN Secretary-General in response to the unfounded accusations by the United States against Iran concerning the situation in Yemen.


In the letter, he stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran once again firmly and strongly rejects these baseless accusations, describing them as merely part of the U.S. political agenda aimed at covering up and legitimizing the country’s ongoing aggressive actions against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yemen.


The text of the letter is as follows:



I am writing regarding the UN Security Council meeting held on 8 July 2024 under the agenda item “The situation in the Middle East” (S/PV.9680). During this meeting, in which the primary agenda was the adoption of the resolution on renewal of the mandate of the UNMHA (UNSCR 2742), the United States representative deviated from the agenda and once more misused the Security Council platform to level unfounded allegations against the Islamic Republic of Iran on the situation in Yemen.


Once again, the Islamic Republic of Iran unequivocally and strongly rejects these unfounded allegations. Iran regards these allegations as nothing more than a political agenda by the United States to cover up and legitimize its ongoing acts of aggression against Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.


Furthermore, it is more evident than ever that the United States seeks to pressure UN experts to compromise their independent mandate. This destructive approach by the U.S. undermines the credibility of both the Security Council and the reports of UN experts that should be impartial and non-politicized.


On numerous occasions, including the letter dated 19 June 2024 (S/2024/483), the Islamic Republic of Iran has made it clear that it has not engaged in activities in contravention of the Security Council’s relevant resolutions. Iran’s policy on the Yemen crisis is clear and consistent. Iran advocates for the peaceful resolution of the Yemen crisis through diplomatic channels and underscores its dedication to maritime security and freedom of navigation.


Yet, the fact remains that the United States and its partners are responsible for blatantly violating international law, the UN Charter, and pertinent Security Council resolutions by committing acts of aggression against Yemen’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The United States cannot deny its responsibility for all of its egregious violations by accusing other sovereign states.


I would be grateful if you would circulate the present letter as a document of the Security Council.

Amir Saied Iravani, Iran's ambassador to the United Nations. Social Media / WANA News Agency

Amir Saied Iravani, Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations. Social Media / WANA News Agency