WANA (Aug 31) – The 50th meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Foreign Ministers’ Council took place on August 29 and 30, 2024, in Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon. The central theme of the meeting was “Developing Transportation and Communication Infrastructure Among Member States.”


Iran was represented by a delegation led by Asadollah Eshragh Jahromi, Director General for Peace and International Security at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


During the meeting, Eshragh Jahromi strongly condemned the Israeli regime’s aggression against Palestine and called for decisive action from the international community and the OIC to halt these crimes. He also highlighted the detrimental role of the Israeli regime in perpetuating insecurity and hindering stability and sustainable development in the West Asia region.


Eshragh Jahromi outlined the new Iranian government’s policies to enhance regional cooperation and connectivity with neighbouring countries. He emphasized Iran’s strategic geographic and transit capabilities, including its commercial ports and extensive rail network, to facilitate connections among OIC member states.


He denounced economic sanctions, particularly unilateral and coercive measures, as obstacles to economic stability and development and stressed the need for all countries to reject them.


In conclusion, the Iranian representative reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to expanding economic cooperation and collective advancement among member states and expressed readiness to collaborate with other Islamic countries to achieve shared goals.


Over one hundred resolutions covering political, economic, cultural, legal, and financial issues were adopted during the meeting. Notably, resolutions condemning the terrorist attacks by the Israeli regime on Iranian diplomatic facilities in Damascus and promoting multilateral cooperation among Islamic countries, proposed by Iran, were among those approved.


Additionally, the final statement included support for the resolutions from the recent extraordinary OIC Executive Committee meeting, including the condemnation of Ismail Haniyeh’s assassination. The Iranian delegation also proposed several amendments to the draft final statement, which were approved by consensus. The meeting concluded on the afternoon of August 30, 2024.