Iran’s production reached minimum
WANA (June 26) – The country’s production reached a minimum, almost zero, over eight years.
Dr. Jalili, speaking to his supporters in Kerman:
They brought eight years of growth to a standstill, but today, those same people are making claims again and saying, “Leave the work to us.” Leave it to you to do what? Did you activate the economy? Did you fix foreign policy? Did you establish interaction with countries around the world?
Six hundred people were dying daily from COVID-19, yet they said we couldn’t import vaccines until a certain agreement was reached.
The same people who spoke of a maximum pressure strategy against our nation were brought to a point by Martyr Raisi, where they declared the maximum pressure strategy had suffered a major defeat.
They claimed to understand the language of the world and to be able to establish connections, but they reduced the world to three powers. They waited until they had fulfilled all commitments, only to have the agreement completely withdrawn.
They said they knew how to handle foreign relations, but they reduced economic relations with Turkmenistan from 6 billion dollars to 200 million dollars.
When asked what the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) brought, they said almost nothing.