WANA (August 11) – Dr. Hassan Al-Sari, former minister and member of the leadership council of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, stated in an interview with the Islamic Awakening Global Assembly:


“A decisive action by the Islamic Republic and the Resistance Axis to punish the Zionists will certainly take place.


The assassination of Martyr Haniyeh by the Zionist regime is a blatant violation of human rights and a breach of international norms and laws. This act is considered an aggressive action against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic resistance groups.


These brutal actions of imperialism and the injustice of the Zionist regime against the people of resistance have revealed the true face of the Zionists.


The double standards of the Americans and their claim to defend human rights have made the whole world aware that these labels are nothing but ink on paper and are now obsolete.


This operation cannot diminish the belief and resilience of the sons of resistance. Victory belongs to those who have faith and remain steadfast.


The sons of resistance will continue their jihad until complete victory over the enemies, and the roots of the oppressors will be eradicated.


These oppressors, just as they were defeated in previous stages, will once again face defeat.


A decisive action by the Islamic Republic and the Resistance Axis to punish the Zionists will certainly take place.”