IRGC Seizes Oil Tanker Smuggling Fuel
WANA (July 29) – The IRGC’s third maritime region seized an oil tanker in the northern waters of the Persian Gulf, carrying over 700,000 liters of smuggled oil with the flag of Togo and nine crew members, under judicial orders.
The text of the announcement is as follows:
In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
To the honorable and heroic nation of Islamic Iran, we announce that by the grace of God and through the precise intelligence monitoring of the warriors of the Third Naval Region of Imam Hussein (AS) of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), an oil tanker named “Pearl G” bearing the flag of the African country Togo and owned by an Iraqi resident of Dubai, UAE, was seized.
This action took place at dawn on Friday, July 26, 2024, in the northern Persian Gulf near the Arash oil field while the tanker was loading smuggled fuel from Iranian boats under the order of the judiciary.Initial estimates indicate that the tanker carried at least 700,000 liters of smuggled oil.
The tanker, along with its nine Indian crew members, has been transferred to the Imam Khomeini (RA) anchorage and is currently under supervision.
Public Relations of the Third Naval Region of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps