WANA (Aug 31) – As tensions between Iran and Israel have reached their peak, informed sources report that Israel is attempting to delay Iran’s response. Following Israel’s failure to utilize diplomatic channels to prevent or mitigate Iran’s retaliatory actions in response to Israel’s attack on Iranian soil and the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the regime has resorted to other methods. It is said that Israeli security officials are trying to delay Iran’s retaliation by creating internal unrest in Iran and diverting Tehran’s attention to domestic issues.


One of Israel’s main efforts in this regard is establishing new connections and rearming terrorist groups active in southeastern Iran. These groups, which have carried out anti-security activities in the past, are now seeking to carry out operations inside the country with Israel’s support, aiming to create instability and public anxiety.



On the other hand, Israel is attempting to intensify social tensions in Iran through media and psychological tools. One recent example of these efforts is the tragic incident in Lahijan, where a man named Mohammad Mirmousavi died in police custody after being detained, allegedly due to police misconduct. This incident quickly spread on social media, and some foreign media outlets tried to portray it as a symbol of “systematic oppression” in Iran.


Additionally, Israel, using media outlets under its influence, has been re-posting old videos and spreading rumors to affect the public psyche. These efforts seem to aim at creating media and psychological unrest in Iran by exploiting ambiguous incidents and challenging social events, even negatively influencing some ongoing labor protests.


Despite these efforts, Iranian officials emphasize that Israel’s actions will not impact Tehran’s determination to carry out retaliatory operations. Iran’s decision to respond to Israel’s aggressions and avenge Ismail Haniyeh is irreversible. Iranian officials have called for increased vigilance from the country’s security and media organizations to resist these psychological and media attacks by Israel and to ensure that these efforts do not achieve their intended goals.