WANA (Sep 09) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, stated in his weekly press briefing today that Tehran is against the imposition of geopolitical and border changes. He also strongly denied allegations regarding Iranian arms exports to Russia.


Focus on the Exact Statements from Russian Officials Regarding the Zangezur Corridor

About recent developments in the Caucasus and discussions surrounding the Zangezur Corridor, the senior Iranian diplomat emphasized the need to carefully consider Russian officials’ exact statements. He added that some non-regional countries are attempting to create insecurity and instability.


Iran supports strengthening regional mechanisms, including the 3+3 format and stresses the importance of promoting peace and stability in the Caucasus. Furthermore, Iran welcomes the reopening of communication routes, provided it respects the sovereignty and independence of the countries in the region. It remains opposed to geopolitical and border changes that violate the territorial integrity of nations.


Israel is the Absolute Evil

In response to a question about a Jordanian citizen action that resulted in the death of three Israelis and regarding the ceasefire in Gaza, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, stated that the Israeli regime is the “absolute evil” in the region.


He emphasized that Israel’s criminal actions have placed it against the wrath of global public opinion, sparking a broader human awakening. Kanaani also criticized Israel’s role in blocking a ceasefire in Gaza and the lack of real intent by the U.S. to pressure Israel.


He stressed that global resolve is needed to deter Israel’s actions, warning that silence over the regime’s massacres only exacerbates the crisis.


Claims About Attacks on Iran-Linked Sites in Syria Not Verified

Kanaani condemned this morning’s Israeli airstrikes on Syrian territory, accusing Israel of having no boundaries for its crimes. He called on the international community to take serious and deterrent action against Israel’s reckless activities.


The spokesperson also dismissed claims by Israeli media that the strikes targeted Iran-linked sites in Syria, stating that, according to Syrian sources, the attacks hit Syrian military installations, including an army-affiliated research center.


Opportunity Exists for Reviving the JCPOA

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, addressed a question during a press briefing regarding the 14th government’s readiness to hold talks for reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). He was asked whether Tehran has observed any willingness or signals from the other JCPOA parties.


Kanaani reaffirmed that Iran has fully complied with all its obligations since the implementation of the JCPOA, emphasizing that it is now time for the other parties to return to their commitments.


He reiterated that negotiations remain an important diplomatic option for Iran and highlighted the JCPOA as an example of successful multilateralism addressing complex issues.


Kanaani also mentioned recent phone discussions between Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, and Seyyed Abbas Araghchi, expressing hope that new opportunities for dialogue and progress in international diplomacy lie ahead.


Opportunity for Iran-EU Talks in New York

Kanaani announced that the United Nations General Assembly in New York presents a favourable opportunity for diplomatic consultations between Iran and the European Union. He added that Seyyed Abbas Araghchi and Josep Borrell have agreed to hold talks soon, and the General Assembly could serve as a suitable platform for such exchanges. However, he noted that no definitive plans have been set yet, and discussions will depend on the readiness of both parties.


Iran’s Demand for Hirmand River Water Rights is Serious

In response to questions regarding Iran’s water rights from the Hirmand River, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, reaffirmed that these rights are legitimate and acknowledged by Afghan authorities.


He noted that Iran recently received some water from Afghanistan, but there have been differing opinions on whether this constitutes part of the Hirmand water rights. Kanaani emphasized that, based on existing treaties, Iran firmly demands its rightful share of water and expects it to be fully delivered.


Allegations of Arms Exports to One Side in Ukraine War Rejected

Addressing accusations from some Western media outlets that Iran has been supplying missiles to Russia for use in the Ukraine war, Kanaani categorically denied these claims. He stressed that Iran has no role in the Ukraine crisis and believes a political solution is the best way to resolve the conflict. Kanaani argued that these accusations are politically motivated, coming from parties that supply weapons to one side in the conflict, thus contributing to the escalation of the crisis.


Iran’s Position on Grossi’s Remarks Has Been Clarified

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, addressed whether Tehran has responded to Rafael Grossi, the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who called for increased pressure on Iran.


Kanaani stated that Iran had already responded to Grossi’s comments during meetings at the IAEA headquarters. He added that through diplomatic channels and the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, the country’s stance has been clearly articulated, and a transparent response has been provided to Grossi’s remarks.


Significant Portion of Iran-Iraq Security Agreement Implemented

In response to a question about the implementation details of the Iran-Iraq security agreement and whether sections have been executed, Kanaani noted that while he does not have further specifics, a substantial portion of the agreement has been carried out.


He also mentioned that a joint working group actively monitors the agreement’s full implementation, ensuring progress under its supervision. Kanaani reiterated that Iran’s fundamental policy toward Afghanistan remains stable and unchanging and that changes in Iran’s government will not affect this approach.


Host Countries Must Ensure the Security of Diplomatic Missions

In response to a question regarding reports that the protection of Iran’s diplomatic sites in Afghanistan has been handed over to the Taliban’s intelligence agency, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, stated that he was unaware of the source of this information and did not have any verified details on the matter.


He emphasized that, according to the Vienna Convention, host countries are responsible for ensuring the security of diplomatic missions and their personnel, which is a fundamental obligation of the receiving country.


Efforts Underway for the Release of Iranian Prisoners in Iraq and Saudi Arabia

Kanaani also addressed a question about the latest status of Mohammadreza Noori, an Iranian prisoner in Iraq, and whether his case will be a priority during the president’s upcoming visit to Iraq. He confirmed that resolving Noori’s case is a top priority for the Iranian diplomatic apparatus, and significant efforts are being made to address the issue. He hoped the matter would receive special attention during the president’s visit.


Regarding an Iranian pilgrim detained in Saudi Arabia, Kanaani reassured that the Foreign Ministry and the Iranian embassy are actively pursuing the case and expressed hope that the individual would soon be released.


No Country’s Legitimate Rights Can Be Undermined by Another’s Unfounded Claims

Responding to Kuwait’s renewed claims over the Arash gas field, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, stated that no country’s legitimate and rightful claims can be diminished by another country’s non-legal or non-technical remarks. He reiterated Iran’s previous position on the matter, emphasizing that legal and technical issues should be addressed within the framework of legal negotiations between countries due to their specific nature.


President’s First Foreign Visit to Iraq Highlights Importance of Bilateral Ties

In another part of the press briefing, Kanaani addressed a question regarding Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian’s upcoming visit to Iraq on Wednesday. He emphasized that this visit underscores the significance of the bilateral relationship between the two nations. The trip presents an opportunity to enhance friendly and fraternal cooperation in various fields, including security and economic sectors. The two countries are working to deepen stability and security along their shared borders and to strengthen economic and trade partnerships. Previous agreements on security cooperation and disarming terrorist groups are also on the agenda.


Iran Has Been an Active Participant in BRICS Meetings

Commenting on President Pezeshkian’s upcoming visit to Kazan to attend the BRICS summit at the Russian government’s invitation, Kanaani highlighted the importance of this visit for expanding Iran’s relations with BRICS member countries. He stressed that multilateralism is a smart choice for both Iran and BRICS members, creating numerous opportunities to secure mutual interests. Kanaani added that Iran has actively participated in BRICS meetings and is striving to become an influential member with significant economic potential.


Confirmation of the President’s Trip to New York is the Responsibility of the Presidential Office

In response to journalists’ questions about reports that the Iranian president is set to visit New York, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani stated that, according to tradition, the president is expected to participate in the United Nations General Assembly in New York. However, the official confirmation of this trip will come from the Presidential Office.


Kanaani added that Iran typically uses its presence at international forums to declare its positions and engage in diplomatic meetings, and it does not overlook these opportunities. He further noted that if the trip takes place, the president will deliver a speech at the UN General Assembly and hold diplomatic meetings on the sidelines of the event.


Iran-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty Finalized

Kanaani also announced that the document for the “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty” between Iran and Russia has been finalized. This treaty, designed to expand and deepen bilateral relations, especially in the economic sphere, is now ready for signing by high-level officials from both countries. After the signing, the treaty will be submitted to Iran’s Parliament for approval and implemented once the legal procedures are completed.


Eastward Policy is a Strategic Choice

Kanaani emphasized that Iran’s “Look East” policy is a key strategic priority for the government and the diplomatic apparatus. Strengthening ties with Asian countries, particularly Russia and China, remains a serious focus, with past agreements being implemented and new cooperation documents being drawn up.


He added that the diplomatic corps is committed to resolving issues and misunderstandings through regional cooperation. However, he stressed that developing relations with the East does not mean neglecting ties with other regions, as Iran will continue to pursue mutually respectful cooperation with all countries.